
I'm going to keep it simple 

I do have one rule::::: TOUCH MY CHOCOLATE AND U DIE

and one Waring I'm crazy and I mean psycho when idc I don;t care I;lol take u to the deepest part of hell and won't care  😈 

zodiac sign::: Virgo 

name::  august
nicknames::: Jack, auggie, muffin, auggiebear, ummmmm lets see Aiden and I think that's it

height::: 5'9

b-day:: 8/30/07

age: 16 going to be 17

gender: male  

ILYSM princess

i'm not a peoples person so if i'm rude at first i'm sorry. I'm not used to kindness so if I ask y your being nice I'm sorry i just been so hurt for a while i'm trying to get better. I'm not looking for love cuz all it does is hurt me. i'm not a person that will be mean i'm

nice to u no matter what cuz that is how I was raised. could u image being in love with someone u can't have? cuz I do its happen to me over and over again and i'm sick of it. don't talk to me if your looking for a fight cuz i'll just blocked u I'm to old to fighting its under me. I'm so tired at this point anyways here something if u want to know me better.

Did u know

I love every part of u
Never leave your side
Over the moon for u
Say your name softly in your ear
Anything for u
U r everything to me
R u finding it out yet?

Love your kindness

Our thing is never going to happen
Very happy my heart is yours

Everything bout u makes me smiles
R u done yet?

1 time I thought maybe
2 times I thought its ok
3 times u love u and still do

fav color: purple

fav music type: rock,heavy metal,and sad songs.

hobbies: poem writing ,drawing, listing to music, ad working out.

hmmm what else I'm a open book I don't keep things to myself I tell people everything cuz I got nothing to hide.i'm a big Hamilton fan so yea lol . heres one of my poems

let my tears fall
they fill the void
no one hears my call
i'm a broken toy

I just want to be held
be loved 
but I failed
instead I just get shoved

into a wall
stuck in me
in this slow fall
I can't see

who am I meant to be
i'm just broken
I'm tired of people use me
now i'm just frozen 


I just need some time, I'm tryna think straight
I just need a moment in my own space
Ask me how I'm doin', I'll say "okay, " yeah
But ain't that what we all say?
Sometimes I think back to the old days
In the pointless conversations with the old me
Yeah, back when my momma used to hold me
I wish somebody woulda told me
If you want love, you gon' have to go through the pain
If you want love, you gon' have to learn how to change
If you want trust, you gon' have to give some away
If you want love, if you want love
Yeah, as a kid I used to think life
Is moving so slow, I watch it go by
Look out the window on my bus ride
I thought the world was so small, through my closed eyes
I've always tried to control things
In the end that's what controls me
Maybe that's why I'm controllin'
I wish somebody woulda told me
If you want love, you gon' have to go through the pain
If you want love, you gon' have to learn how to change
If you want trust, you gon' have to give some away
If you want love, if you want love
The older I get, I feel like I'm always tryna save time
Talkin' to the voices in my head, they make me think twice
Tellin' me it doesn't mean it's wrong because it feels right
I'm scared that one day I wake up and wonder where the time go
Talk about the past like it's the present while I rock slow
I'll sit in the living room and laugh with kids of my own
And tell 'em
If you want love, you gon' have to go through the pain
I wish you woulda told me
If you want love, you gon' have to learn how to change
I wish somebody woulda told me
If you want trust, you gon' have to give some away
You gon' have to give
If you want love, if you want love
If you want love, if you want love

your still here? dam ok well here's what u tell a girl when your in love and if they don't like it you were one only one in love

i met the girl of my dreams and I want you to know boo that I love you so much and that I don''t ever want to lose you, u might not feel love but read this every time you don''t because I swear  I will remind u everyday that u are my wife lil mama's and I will kiss u ,cuddle with u,die for u,lie for u,kill for u,steal for u, do anything to make u feel love because I want to be with you till I die and even after death you are mine I dare any man or girl or being to try to take u away from me not even God can stop me from loving u. baby I can wait to be with u in person and feel that kiss that u want to badly,ik u want to feel my touch 🤭and one day u will I can wait to wake up every morning to look at u and think I got the best wife and lover in the whole world🥰 baby I think about u 24/7 r your legs tired cuz u be running around my head for hours . boo omg u got a guy blushing saying your name 🫣 smiling thinking about u,😊kicking my feet just thinking about us together  I think just how did I get so lucky. I was giving up on love and then u came into my life u saved me from the heartbreak and pain that I was in and for that I thank u because when everyone left u were there I effing love u and I can''t wait to get together,grow together ,cry together,love together,have a family together watch our kids grow together and I just love u and I really want you to know that u got me just counting the days till I meet u and at the moment its 365 ily baby don''t ever leave mecuz u got my heart like no other  🥰 💍 🌹 💜 I could write countless paragraphs about u write countless poems and it wouldn''t express how much I love u. the love I have for u is unmatched and I mean every word I write here. i look forward to waking up every morning and seeing the "good morning my love" that u type as soon as I wake up. I look forward to saying gm to u and asking how u doing I could listen to u talk about anything and i''ll just be happy that i'm spending time with u, but don''t think i''m not listing cuz I am I love hearing u talk I love just being around u and i''m so happy that I met u and ik u feel the same because everyday u tell me how much u love me and I warms my heart that u love me and i''m glad your the one who has it because ik u won''t break it baby ily boo your my everything and I love u so much  🥹🌹

I love u so much words cannot express idk if i got to wait 10000 years for u to love me cuz i love u so much and idc if u hurt me because u are the world to me and i feel like u have touch my very soul because u treat me so good and everyday i love talking to you. You say u look like a mess and no u don’t your so beautiful i love looking at u everyday i could stare at u for hours talk to u for days as long as i’m spending time with u nothing else matters because u have my heart and i love how u call me handsome and just everything about u.don’t ever say that your ugly because u are the most prettiest girl in the world. Your just so amzingg your r kind, hot,se#y ,smart,funny,and cute. U have me kicking my feet and blushing talking to u and just thinking about u you will never hurt me cuz i’m so in love with u. U have all of me and i just never felt like this with anyone and i just want to hold u and never let u go because i’m so clingy to u and i get so sad when your not on and i love to have u right next to me wearing one of my hoodies and cuddling with me as u hold your hand. Call me crazy but i have thought about getting married and having kids and i feel like thats weird but u make me feel sometype of way that i could tell u anything because well i love u mi amor

Your so amazing i can’t even think about it i love u so much that u are in my mind 24/7 u are never not a thought in my brain. I write so much things for u but i rewrite it because i thnk its not good enough u have so many thing i could write about because your so amazing. I love your smile, your laugh ,the way u talk, just everything bacues i can’t get enough of u.i just can’t to kiss u and never stop. U always make me happy and make my day i don’t want to ever let u got because your worth it i can’t lose u because if i lose u i lose my everything., my world, my love. If i lose u it would hurt me so much but ik that won’t happen because i’m going to treat u right and hold onto u so hard. I love to be around u and talk to u. I could listen to u for hours aslong as i’m with u and i wish i could give u everything u want because u deserve it and i know because your my queen your the best i have and i never and will never meet no one like u because your one of a kind and i love that about u. Ik i sound crazy but i’m crazy about u and only u. I just can’t get enough of u these girls be like i could be better but they can’t cuz your all i want they got nothing on u girl 

to be fair no one like love notes these days so maybe don't tell her how in love your with her.
ughhhhh um lets see I'm a very loving and caring person to some people I come off strong and that's fine those people an f off,but like I said when I love I love hard and I'm loyal to a fault but I'm not stupid I can tell when your using me.i just don't like fake people. I don't date much cuz people don't meet my standards its not even all of them its just one they can not be loyal for there life.

some of my friends

mizza_pizzaa::::: my sis 

Dinosaur_lover123:: my words can't express our friendship if I could say the words I would but I can't .

Charger1404: rip come back plz

amberisdone14; my  2nd mom ig lol 

ghost_him my brother in arms fight hard bro

X_Mylee_X:::: my first mom

Omarkira7::: my homie

Kye_Afton:::: u know me better than anyone your like my sis love u

ok u still here? i'm a very flirty person so don't try me f around and find out lol and I mean it

I'm a good person I promise and i'll try my best to be the best for u no matter what that means.u don't know me but I found myself loving u. I would give my all to u idc what it means for me I give everything to everyone cuz i'm a people pleaser and i'm not happy unless the person I love is happy. I just want to feel at home with myself so I'm sorry if I push u away or be mean I'm just trying to heal and plz stay no matter how hard I push come back because I won't admit it I need u. I hate hugs and cuddles there's only a few people that can hug me but I hate psychical touch  but crave it for some reason. I 

I'm not perfect ik that, I made mistakes and still make them.i'm not the most good looking person and ik i'm not even handsome. I'm a weirdo. I like music more than people cuz music can't hurt me. I'm a person who just don't like new people unless I have to I'm not the time to be hyper i'm more the person u find drawing or in a book. I'm not used to kindness. i have mental ,and  emotional problems.i'm clingy, loving, and hide the pain I'm going through so i'm not a person you want so I understand if you don't want me.

let the world burn

Lost in the fog
I fear that there's still further to fall
It's dangerous 'cause I want it all
And I don't really care what it costs
I shouldn't have fallen in love
Look what it made me become
I let you get too close
Just to wake up alone
And I know you think you can run
You're scared to believe I'm the one
But I just can't let you go
I'd let the world burn
Let the world burn for you
This is how it always had to end
If I can't have you then no one can
I'd let it burn
I'd let the world burn
Just to hear you calling out my name
Watching it all go down in flames
Fear in their eyes
Ash raining from the blood orange sky
I let everybody know that you're mine
Now it's just a matter of time
Before we're swept into the dust
Look what you made me become
I let you get too close
Just to wake up alone
And I know you think you can run
You're scared to believe I'm the one
But I just can't let you go
I'd let the world burn
Let the world burn for you
This is how it always had to end
If I can't have you then no one can
I'd let it burn
I'd let the world burn
Just to hear you calling out my name
Watching it all go down in flames
Let it all burn
Oh, I'd burn this world for you
Oh, baby, I'd let it burn
For you
I'd let the world burn
Let the world burn for you
This is how it always had to end
If I can't have you then no one can  

nf hope

Thirty years of running, thirty years of searching
Thirty years of hurting, thirty years of pain
Thirty years of fearful, thirty years of anger
Thirty years of empty, thirty years of shame
Thirty years of broken, thirty years of anguish
Thirty years of hopeless, thirty years of (hey)
Thirty years of never, thirty years of maybe
Thirty years of later, thirty years of fake
Thirty years of hollow, thirty years of sorrow
Thirty years of darkness, thirty years of (Nate)
Thirty years of baggage, thirty years of sadness
Thirty years of stagnant, thirty years of chains
Thirty years of anxious, thirty years of suffering
Thirty years of torment, thirty years of (wait)
Thirty years of bitter, thirty years of lonely
Thirty years of pushing everyone away

nf if u want love

If you want love, you gon' have to go through the pain
If you want love, you gon' have to learn how to change
If you want trust, you gon' have to give some away
If you want love, if you want love

nf running 

nf gone

I wish you the best, but I'm not interested
In giving you more of my life, I've already given you too much
I don't wanna lose ya
I don't wanna keep ya
I know that you mean well but when I fail I don't need ya
Rubbing my face in it and treating me like I'm less than you, tell the truth
You know I'd be better without ya
Been in your shoes, don't be a fool
And try to convince me that I'm the
Real issue, when you're the root to every problem

Always saw my glass as half empty, it was never full
You were always passive and I was irresponsible
Didn't have a chance, but we were scared to let things go
Young, in love, broken hearts holding on to our false hope
Had your whole life planned out, I had no clue who I was
Gave it all we had, but guess our all wasn't enough
Wonder where you're at now, did you ever find the one?
Hope you're out there somewhere happy, sometimes I think of ya
Yeah, yeah
And it makes me sad
Mm, yeah
The way you left
But I'm glad you did
It was for the best
I pray, someday you find yourself
Somehow, some way, with someone else
Don't wait, it's too late to keep holding on
I'm already gone
Ah, I could blame us breaking up on being too young and being too dumb
And being too caught up on past traumas
But the truth is we just weren't right, we planned a whole life
When we both know we should've just ended on the first night
And I know if I would have stayed with you
I would've been down on luck and done with love and done too much
To make you stay, second-guessing and resenting all the love
I could've gave to someone else
Got carpal tunnel from holding on to what we once felt
I'm happy for you, I am
Yeah, don't get me wrong, I am
And once in a while it's true, I think about you too
Yeah, I do
I think about you too
Mm, yeah
And it makes me sad
Mm, yeah
The way you left
But I'm glad you did
It was for the best, yeah
I pray that someday you find yourself
Somehow, some way, with someone else
Don't wait, it's too late to keep holding on
Yeah, yeah
I'm already gone
I'm already gone
I'm already gone
I'm already gone

nf happy

Yeah, been this way so long
It feels like something's off when I'm not depressed
I got some issues that I won't address
I got some baggage I ain't opened yet
I got some demons I should put to rest
I got some traumas that I can't forget
I got some phone calls I been avoiding
Some family members I don't really connect with
Some things I said I wish I would of not let slip
Some hurtful words that never should of left my lips
Some bridges burned, I'm not ready to rebuild yet
Some insecurities I haven't dealt with, yes
I'll be the first to admit that I'm a lonely soul
And the last to admit I need a hand to hold
Losing hope, headed down a dangerous road
Strange, I know, but I feel most at home when I'm
Living in my agony, watching my self-esteem
Go up in flames acting, like I don't
Care what anyone else thinks, when I know truthfully
That that's the furthest thing from how I
Feel, but I'm too proud to open up and ask ya
To pick me up and pull me out this hole I'm trapped in
The truth is, I need help, but I just can't imagine who
Who I'd be if I was happy
Don't know what's around the bend
Don't know what my future is
But I can't keep on living in
Living in my agony, watching my self-esteem
Go up in flames acting, like I don't
Care what anyone else thinks, when I know truthfully
That that's the furthest thing from how I
Feel, but I'm too proud to open up and ask ya
To pick me up and pull me out this hole I'm trapped in
The truth is, I need help, but I just can't imagine who
Who I'd be if I was happy

nf clouds 

I don't rock no Rollie's
I don't hang around no phonies (nope)
I don't really got no trophies
I don't know why God chose me (I don't know)
Got something in the cup, ain't codeine (never)
Change my style, they told me
Now they come around like, "Homie"
Man, y'all better back up slowly, back up slowly
Woo, who are you kidding?
How could you doubt me? I've always delivered
Ripping the teeth out of the back of my mouth's
The closest you get to my wisdom
See my initial thought was to wait
But what can I say? I had to come visit
Check on you guys, you doin' alright?
Your year really sucked? Yeah, that's what I figured
They cover they heads up whenever I drop
Shake the whole industry, put 'em in shock
Come out the clouds like a meteor rock
Then land on the Earth like, "Ready or not?"
Ain't no one like me, the cream of the crop
Don't even front, better give me some props
I pick up your body and throw it a block
Okay, I admit it, that's over the top, not
Deer in the headlights looks every time I step my foot on the ground
I get mistook for a lame with no weight to his name
Ground just shook, let's not beat around the bush
Even my B-sides throw 'em off like, "How's he do it?"
Some say I'm a great influence
I don't know about that, but I did do the best I could

nf intro 3

Is this what you wanted?
Both of us out in the open? Let's do it then!
I mean, why are you doin' this?
I know that you're mad (that you're mad), but I'm not in the mood for this
We got a record to drop (drop)
So why you actin' like I'm not a part of it?
Aye, where is my shovel at?
Prolly out back where it always is
You can't get rid of all of me!
I'm the reason why-
Nah, shut up, I don't wanna hear another sentence
Hey, I'm NF
"Is it me or the fear talkin'?" Ha! What a dumb question!
Yeah, it's real music 'til the day we die, right?
Yeah, ain't that the slogan, Nathan?
Thought I told you to keep your mouth shut
I mean, so what? You know I never listen
Let me guess, we gon' dig a hole, kill the track and prolly put a beat in it
Rap about it for like three minutes
Ayy, that's pretty deep, isn't it?
Wait a minute, you don't really think for a second that you're puttin' me in this?
No, of course not, just a little deeper then we'll go inside and we can stop diggin' (woo)
You had me scared for a second, I thought we were diggin' my grave
We did, what, you don't like bein' afraid?
Here's a dose of your own medicine
What, you don't like how it tastes?
My therapist told me don't bury my issues
But I'ma be honest, man, I'm feelin' great! (Great)
I think it's only right we go back to where you were created
I wrote a song for Johnny without you
But he ain't gon' like it, let's see how he takes it (takes it)
He probably don't even remember us, does he?
I wish I was buryin' anger
But both of us know I'ma need him for that song (that song), he still lives in the basement
Almost done, shoulda done this a year ago, I don't know why I waited
You know how I get, I put everything off in my personal life, you hear what I'm sayin'? (Sayin')
That was a joke (joke), yeah, it's hilarious, ain't it?
You'll spend the rest of your life in my backyard or back of my mind, depends how you see it
Put the shovel away, time to go back in the house now, you'll be out in a week
Tellin' me you want your room back, that's funny; what? You ain't got nowhere to sleep?
I'ma just look out the window and laugh at you, this is crazy to me
'Cause I thought you had me in prison this whole time
But I'm the one holdin' the keys (holdin' the keys, holdin' the keys, holdin' the keys)

nf just like u

Just in case my car goes off the highway
Or the plane that I get on decides that it's my last day
I want you to know when you're alone and you feel afraid
You're not the only person in the world that isn't okay
There's millions of us just like you, like you, like you
Just like you, like you
There's millions of us just like you, like you, like you
Just like you, like you
It's strange the way the mind can wander, but also stop to gossip
And chat with memories that you and me aren't really fond of
Maybe you're out to find love, maybe you lost who you was
Maybe you're just like me and feel the need to stay in your rut
'Cause if you left it, you might feel like you're no longer you
It's so impressive, the way the mind can play with the truth
It's interestin' that nobody can walk in your shoes
But still relate and feel the same so in a way, guess we do
You ever think about what it would be like
If the clouds were gone and you could see light?
If the door was open would you take flight
Or just close the curtains up and stay inside?
Take a walk with me, take a risk with me
I'm scared too and it gets so tempting
When you're so empty, to disown everything you hold
Dearly, when you know
Clearly, you've been so buried, in your own
Fairy tale, the soul's tearing bunch of holes in me
I relate to it, but in case you been thinking no one does
Here's a great theory
Throw a hail Mary, let your mind fly
To the sunrise, could be so scary
Make your faith vary, feel the pain glaring
But the weight carried ain't in vain hear me (hear me)
Just in case my car goes off the highway
Or the plane that I get on decides that it's my last day
I want you to know when you're alone and you feel afraid
You're not the only person in the world that isn't okay
There's millions of us just like you, like you, like you
Just like you, like you
There's millions of us just like you, like you, like you
Just like you, like you
So often I feel desperate, I think my heart's infected
How about yours? How about yours? How about yours? I guess if
You feel the best when your life is hectic
You might be destined to stay defective
So join the club, it ain't that hard to get in
It's hard to leave though, look at the guest list
I bet that, your name is on it, don't believe me? Check it
See dead ends in life we come to tend to raise some questions
Suggestion, know that your feelings might give wrong directions
Infested, yeah, with the feeling of failure
Let it take over your body it makes you
Question the life that you have situations
You might have enjoyed, become nothing but dated
Old and forgotten but what would you say
If I told you that there was some hope we could make it?
I know what you're thinkin', I'm thinkin' it too
Could you really improve and be something worth savin'?
See, I could pretend like I have all the answers
But none of us do, it's the reason we battle
Convincing yourself that you don't really matter's
Like feeding a cancer and letting it travel
To every part of you but what if we did
The unthinkable and cancel our trips?
What's achievable depends on the risk
So pick up your chin and listen to this
Just in case my car goes off the highway
Or the plane that I get on decides that it's my last day
I want you to know when you're alone and you feel afraid
You're not the only person in the world that isn't okay
There's millions of us just like you, like you, like you
Just like you, like you
There's millions of us just like you, like you, like you
Just like you, like you (you, you, you)
Everybody falls sometimes
Just remember that that's alright
It's the rainy days that give us love for the sun
And if it isn't, I guess I'll be fine believing it does, oh yeah
Everybody falls sometimes
Just remember that that's alright
It's the lows in life that make you cherish the highs
And if isn't, I guess I'll be fine believing a lie, ayy
Just in case my car goes off the highway
Or the plane that I get on decides that it's my last day
I want you to know when you're alone and you feel afraid
You're not the only person in the world that isn't okay
There's millions of us just like you, like you, like you
Just like you, like you
There's millions of us just like you, like you, like you
Just like you, like you

yea I lied about simple XD

poem name : whispers I write poems btw 

nothing left but your whispers
of your touch whispers 
of your love whispers
of your eyes whispers

of your laugh echoing whispers
of you body holding mine whispers
of you lips on mine whispers 
of your footsteps behind me whispers

of your warmth whispers
of your smile whispers
of your love whispers
of our memories whispers

of me heart left whispers
of my love that stayed whispers
of me left whispers
slowly taking me away whispers 
is all that's left