
Tactics and Hanging Pieces
3 min

Tactics and Hanging Pieces

NM Fischwitsch
| Jul 1, 2020

Tactics are the types of moves you can use to gain an immediate advantage. One way to get an advantage is to capture hanging, also called free, pieces. Watch out for which pieces are unprotected each turn. If you can...

The Value Of The Pieces
3 min

The Value Of The Pieces

NM Fischwitsch
| Jun 30, 2020

Each piece has a numerical value that can help you evaluate whether exchanging it makes sense. Pawns = 1. Knights = 3. Bishops = 3. Rooks = 5. Queens = 9. Kings = The whole game! This tells you that trading a knight...

Avoiding Bad Trades
5 min

Avoiding Bad Trades

NM Fischwitsch
| Jun 30, 2020

Don't make the mistake of giving up your good pieces for less valuable ones. It's important that you evaluate all possible captures each turn. Often there are multiple options, but only one of them will lead to a favo...

Pawn Structures That Win: Maroczy Bind
9 min

Pawn Structures That Win: Maroczy Bind

| Jun 9, 2020

GM Aman Hambleton starts his series on winning pawn structures with the famous Maroczy Bind. White grabs space with pawns on c4 and e4, giving easy play and a chance to play for a win. Learn the key ideas about this i...

Pawn Structures That Win: The f3-e4 Chain
8 min

Pawn Structures That Win: The f3-e4 Chain

| Jun 9, 2020

The Queen's Gambit Accepted often leads to an early endgame, but that doesn't mean that White doesn't have tricks to put Black under pressure. Find out how the very best players, including Magnus Carlsen, restrict Bla...

Pawn Structures That Win: The e3 Maroczy
9 min

Pawn Structures That Win: The e3 Maroczy

| Jun 9, 2020

In many openings, one side can gain a space advantage with a pawn on c4. against one on d6. That space advantage might not seem like much, but GM Aman Hambleton shows how the space advantage can cause headaches for e...

Pawn Structures That Win: Doubled f-Pawns
10 min

Pawn Structures That Win: Doubled f-Pawns

| Jun 8, 2020

It's unusual for Black to gain a big positional advantage right out of the opening. Watch out how GM Aman Hambleton recommends Black to damage White's structure in the English Opening. You can try this plan in other o...

Assisted Checkmates
1 min

Assisted Checkmates

NM Fischwitsch
| Jun 2, 2020

Because the king can't move into check it is often possible to checkmate by placing a queen next to the opponent's king and having the queen defended by another one of your pieces. If the king can't move away and no o...

Checkmate With Two Rooks
2 min

Checkmate With Two Rooks

NM Fischwitsch
| Jun 2, 2020

One good way to checkmate is to use two rooks, or a rook and a queen to force a lone opposing king to the edge or the board. If one rook defends an entire file then the opposing king can't cross it. If you use the oth...

Checkmate With A Rook
6 min

Checkmate With A Rook

NM Fischwitsch
| Jun 1, 2020

The easiest way to checkmate with king and rook against king is to follow this process: 1. Use your rook to put the opposing king in a box. 2. Bring your king towards the rook to protect it. 3. If it's possible to shr...

Checkmate With A Queen
3 min

Checkmate With A Queen

NM Fischwitsch
| Jun 1, 2020

Follow a four-step process to make an assisted checkmate with a queen. 1. Place your queen one knight move away from the opposing king. 2. Copy each king move with your queen to stay one knight move away. 3. When t...

The 4-Move Checkmate (Scholar's Mate)
4 min

The 4-Move Checkmate (Scholar's Mate)

NM Fischwitsch
| May 31, 2020

At beginner levels, games are frequently won and lost with the four move checkmate, also known as Scholar's Mate. It's most commonly played with 1. e4 e5 2. Qh5 Nc6 3.Bc4 with Qxf7# on the next move. It's very importa...