
Using Your Knights
3 min

Using Your Knights

NM Fischwitsch
| Sep 9, 2020

Knights are best in the center, where they can control up to eight squares. Knights work well with queens and also do a good job blocking pawns.

Using Your Bishops
2 min

Using Your Bishops

NM Fischwitsch
| Sep 8, 2020

Bishops are most useful when controlling long, unblocked diagonals. Bishops are particularly useful when you have both of them, so they can control both light and dark squares.

Using Your Pawns
2 min

Using Your Pawns

NM Fischwitsch
| Sep 8, 2020

Pawns have four primary uses. 1. Pawns can control key squares, such as the center. If your pawns control the center the opponent won't be able to put pieces on good squares. 2. Pawns are also helpful protecting your...

Name Your Pawns: Garry The g-Pawn
23 min

Name Your Pawns: Garry The g-Pawn

GM Ginger_GM
| Sep 3, 2020

Not Garry Kasparov, Garry the g-pawn! Simon Williams loves to use Garry to attack the opposing king and gain space on the kingside. Learn how he does it and the g-pawn advances that are all the rage at the top level t...

Name Your Pawns: Charlie The c-Pawn
18 min

Name Your Pawns: Charlie The c-Pawn

GM Ginger_GM
| Aug 26, 2020

In open games, the c-pawn often hides behind a knight, but in closed positions, you're probably going to need your c-pawn to fight for the center. GM Simon Williams demonstrates how the c-pawn can destroy your opponen...

Name Your Pawns: Barry The b-Pawn
16 min

Name Your Pawns: Barry The b-Pawn

GM Ginger_GM
| Aug 25, 2020

GM Simon Williams loves to give away Barry the b-pawn! You can play the Evans Gambit, a wing gambit or even a positional sacrifice in the Sicilian. Learn how Barry can sacrifice himself to help you start a winning att...

Name Your Pawns: Arry The a-Pawn
16 min

Name Your Pawns: Arry The a-Pawn

GM Ginger_GM
| Aug 24, 2020

Not Harry, Arry! Arry the a-pawn is an often overlooked piece on the edge of the board. However, even on the side he can help control the center. Learn from Simon Williams how to use your a-pawns to help your pieces a...

King Safety
3 min

King Safety

NM Fischwitsch
| Aug 6, 2020

Never forget to protect your most important piece, the king. A material advantage doesn't matter if there's checkmate. Be careful to defend potential checkmating squares near your king and to give your king escape rou...

Weak Targets: f2 and f7
3 min

Weak Targets: f2 and f7

NM Fischwitsch
| Aug 4, 2020

The f2 and f7 pawns are only defended by the king in the starting position, so it can be subject to attack. If you can attack your opponent's f-pawn with two pieces when it's only defended by a king you can frequently...

Back Rank Checkmates
3 min

Back Rank Checkmates

NM Fischwitsch
| Aug 4, 2020

Castling is a good idea, but if the king is on the back rank without other pieces to defend it, it may be vulnerable to a back rank checkmate from a rook or queen. It's often a good idea to advance one pawn in front o...

Don't Just Check
4 min

Don't Just Check

NM Fischwitsch
| Aug 4, 2020

Attacking the king is great - but it's not always the right move. Be patient. Make sure that a check accomplishes a goal, like helping to mate or preventing your opponent from castling. If your opponent has a useful m...