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a) I learned to play chess in 1974, and, I never pursued it with a passion until 2009. So, I am happy that I have come this far. b) Married/Family c) I like sports, so, I like to compete. d) I need more time to play, cause, staying up late at night is not the best way to play. e) slow learner or low on luck. f) studying openings may be the way to improve my skills, but, for now, I give & take whatever improves my or lose...  To Open Seeks: I will accept challenges of my rating or higher & only 5 days or more to move! 960 & Standard Chess are different ratings! I have a USCF rating of around 1560 I guess, but, was many years ago (perhaps 35 - 40 something years).   **** Final Note**** I play only on computer screen (never set up actual chess pieces). Normally, I play quick or incomplete study of positions on the board.  My rating is what it is meant to be for now (honestly)!?  I still play for a trophy...  I can only hope...  Hope or stubborn courage?! So I will say this: after the many years (since Mar/2010) of not studying chess openings, accepting challenges from brand new players with skills (still losing large points), up late at night (trying to concentrate) while home is quiet,......[for now, I must cram 50-60 or so games into 2-3 hours].  I still lack the skills to take down higher rated opponents.... I need a beer (I am playing like I had 2 or 3)..... So, why not feel better while enjoying the game of chess!! For a while, my rating held up, but, I began to grow bored after losing so many games against opponents that be stronger than I. So, I began reading the blogs that others post on this site (chess stuff mostly), then, there's other stuff. I somehow find blogs concerning religion and peace  So, I read and possibly feed my soul by yielding to concerns of other members that posted comments concerning peace... Or, they vent their frustrations due to the lack of humanity's love of life. Or go to      This link starts at my 37th comment while my comments (1 - 36) be on MMHossain's blog.     [[Just remember that when you are at the bottom of the page where the number of pages are, the last page is actually the first page of all the comments.]].     to get to link if not working here.... Go to bottom of comment 99.   Or try below in "Notes"...(click on the link); or, below in Activity (click on "More"), then, stroll down to Blog titles. Blogs (more button) sometimes do not expand (for me), but, I did expand my games (more button), then the Blog (more button) worked... Weird stuff.  Sometimes, my "More" button (below) in Activity does not work immediately.... ((I have to refresh the page, or, click on another (double click), then, go back and try if needed .. (then is OK)).... Such a problem button... malfunctioning might be on my side. Simply copy this link then open in a new tab or click on it.      **If I gained anything out of the other member's comments about life, religion, etc.., such would be the concern for struggling reality of our world.  So, if ever you get bored with the junk (sick stuff) on TV news or anybody's blogs, give my blogs a read.  I warn you - you might like them more so, than, the daily disaster stuff that's always on the news everyday (depressing stuff)-(not uplifting). [[Again, remember that when you are at the bottom of the page where the number of pages are, the last page is actually the first page of all the comments.]]   *Why mention links above go to comment 99?  The "more" button (in my activity) on this page does not work sometimes... A while back, sent me a message - 99 comments is the limit. So, any comments after that had to go somewhere. Recently, I tried to add more than 99... Success! But, could only place 4 comments (100 - 103). I get blocked or whatever is the data limit issue(s). So, I keep trying... Ok. 

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