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Chess Diary
  📛 °👻°.•°○☆.•°Let's learn chess together °•.☆○°•. °👻° 📛
1 427
Vladimir Kramnik Fanbase
Official club for Russian GM Vladimir Kramnik born 25 June 1975. He was the Classical World Chess Champion from 2000 to 2006, and the 14th undisput...
Клуб имени Михаила Чигорина. Club names Mikhail Chigorin
Никогда не было мастера, который в такой мере сочетал бы в себе искусство атаки и защиты, как Чигорин (Гарри Пильсбери)
The Global Connectors
✨ Hello chess enthusiasts! ♟️ Have you ever dreamed of joining a place filled with wisdom 💡 and strategy 🧠? If so, let us introduce you to the Glob...
Tortoise Chess Club
A team for 5-14 day match play.
4 250
Wizard chess players
Welcome to the club of chess for wizards 🧙‍♂️    join the club now! P.S Everyone who joins will be rewarded 
T. A. Admin
This is a select group of 🇦🇺 Team Australia 🇦🇺 members who are willing to help manage the greatest world league team! This club is for administrato...
The Dog's Nose Club
Things to know about The Dog's Nose Club: The Dog's Nose Club is a competitive club that likes dogs. We usually have around 5-10 upcoming daily...
Perú CLUB Chess
Únase al equipo para participar en torneos oficiales y partidos amistosos, foros y discusiones sobre temas de ajedrez y no solo. Al mismo tiempo, e...
Confederação Brasileira de Xadrez
 Bem-vindo ao clube oficial da Confederação Brasileira de Xadrez!    Nossa missão é capacitar as pessoas, enriquecer vidas e melhorar as comunid...
3 201
The official club of ChessDojo
5 251
Clube de Xadrez Brasil - CXBr
Somos um clube brasileiro! Temos torneios ao vivo, xadrez por votação com muita interação entre os membros, torneios ...
7 415
Snow Chess Cats
We welcome you to the frozen tundras of our home. Here, we have Tournaments, Chats, and much, much more. 
Galerinha do Xadrez
Bem-vindo ao clube de xadrez mais animado e estratégico do! Galerinha do Xadrez! Aqui, a nossa filosofia é simples: xadrez ...
Team Malaysia
Team Malaysia is now actively participating in the World League Team Matches. The prerogative to join Team Malaysia is to fly Malaysian flag (Jalur...
7 768
Avpal Chess Club
Ahmet Vefik Paşa Anadolu Lisesi Satranç Kulübü
Scuola Italiana di scacchi
Gruppo in cui si raccolgono le lezioni gratuite: da principiante a terza categoria nazionale. Corso di scacchi e molto altro Le richieste di iscri...
Uruguay Open
Liga de jugadores uruguayos auspiciada por la Federación Uruguaya de Ajedrez. 1) Todos los jugadores de Uruguay Open que representen a Uruguay tie...
2 506
𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨' 𝙂𝙖𝙢𝙗𝙞𝙩
We vote in chess, arenas, and all that stuff. But you can also have a lot of fun!
Namaste World
Hello Guys..!!, this is very Active and enjoyable club, We have Lot of Fun things going on Such as Tournaments, Fun forums and more.!! Best C...
Wieża Wadowice
Kliknij po szczegółowe informacje o działalności internetowej klubu Wieża Wadowice   W każdą drugą środę miesiąca o 18.30 gram...
Chess Practice - Servicenow 2024
Creating this group with everyone who participated in this years chess tournament. 
Coppell Chess Club