My name is Emperor Renov. I have names given to me by other people or myself, including Reee the Vizeist, Reee, Renov, Renov Ivanovich Vizein, The Neo-Vizeist, and Emperor Reee. Glory to Vizeism! Меня зовут Император Ренов. У меня есть имена, данные мне другими людьми или мной самим, в том числе Реэ Визеист, Реэ, Ренов, Ренов Иванович Визеин, Неовизейст и Император Реэ. Слава визеизму! Most of this profile will be in English. If you speak Russian only and wish for a translation, напиши мне. Clubs I am in: The New Vizeist Empire Новая визейстская империя: I created this club as a replacement for the original Vizeist Empire. https://www.chess.com/club/the-new-vizeist-empire-novaia-vizeistskaia-imperiia Vizeist Communist Party: Originally called The Vizei, this club was the heart of the original Vizeist Empire. It fell apart in the summer or fall of 2023. https://www.chess.com/club/vizeist-communist-party The Club of Brilliant Moves and Tactics - SCHOOL of WITCHCRAFT and WIZARDRY: I have been a member of this club for a long time. There are some really great people here. We are just starting to get the RP back up. https://www.chess.com/club/the-club-of-brilliant-moves-and-tactics-school-of-witchcraft-and-wizardry The People's Republic of Redpawn: This is the Redpawn Empire. It has dropped in activity and members dramatically since the fall of the Vizeist Empire. https://www.chess.com/club/the-peoples-republic-of-redpawn Русская Армия: A small club who says they are a Russian Army. https://www.chess.com/club/russkaia-armiia Paladins of Chess: A very active club with many members and lots of Chess games. https://www.chess.com/club/paladins-of-chess iCHESS: Basically POC's twin. https://www.chess.com/club/ichess Red Pawn - Chess Team: The new version of the PRR. https://www.chess.com/club/red-pawn-chess-team-1 Red Pawn Residence: An exclusive club only for trusted Redpawn officials.