Власник діамантового акаунту

Awarded the Jerry Gray Memorial Scholarship for jazz arranging. Funding for this scholarship came from Henry Mancini, who is most known for his film composing, i.e., The Pink Panther.

Graduated form the University of North Texas in 1982 with a Bachelor's Degree in Music. My major was Jazz Studies with an emphasis in jazz and classical guitar performance.

After graduation, I attended San Jose State University and earned a California Teaching Credential in music education.

After teaching for four years as a high school band and choir teacher, I accepted an instrumental music teaching position in 1989 at Hesperia, California.

Over the years I have written many compositions for guitar and band that have been published through Sibelius Music and have been performed in several countries.

My hobbies include golf, chess and reading.

Auburn CA CC
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Hippopotamus opening
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