
Dutch Defense

Start Date: Jul 9, 2008

Finish Date: Aug 25, 2008

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Come explore an opening that has had its fair share of ups and downs!  Many people don't play the Dutch because they don't understand it.  Here is a chance to show your stuff in an opening that is definetely playable.  

If you like the Nimzo-Indian, consider playing it with the move ...f5 already inserted.  If you like the King's Indian, consider the Leningrad Dutch, an aggressive system for those who are tactically minded. 

I hope to play you soon!

Edit - sorry, I have changed the name, so many people cannot find it since it was the Daring Dutch Dutch Defense is more to the point.

Dutch Defense Tourney

BirdsDaWord | Aug 12, 2008, 12:45 PM

With the Dutch Defense tourney almost closing, I am curious if anyone else would like to play in another tournament?  We can do this one of two ways, either a Dutch Defense, or go for the ice cream with the cherry on top, Bird's Opening.  What would people prefer?