Come explore an opening that has had its fair share of ups and downs! Many people don't play the Dutch because they don't understand it. Here is a chance to show your stuff in an opening that is definetely playable.
If you like the Nimzo-Indian, consider playing it with the move ...f5 already inserted. If you like the King's Indian, consider the Leningrad Dutch, an aggressive system for those who are tactically minded.
I hope to play you soon!
Edit - sorry, I have changed the name, so many people cannot find it since it was the Daring Dutch Dutch Defense is more to the point.Dutch Defense Tourney
With the Dutch Defense tourney almost closing, I am curious if anyone else would like to play in another tournament? We can do this one of two ways, either a Dutch Defense, or go for the ice cream with the cherry on top, Bird's Opening. What would people prefer?