Chess Terms
Spell Chess

Spell Chess

What would happen if, on top of commanding your chess army, you could also cast spells like a wizard? Well, what if I told you that you can actually do it by playing Spell Chess? Here's what you need to know about this magical chess variant:

What Is Spell Chess?

Spell Chess is a chess variant that combines regular chess with the ability to cast spells. It was born in 2023 as a product of's partnership with Supercell, the gaming company behind the hit mobile games Clash of Clans and Clash Royale. 

Spell Chess on

What Are The Rules Of Spell Chess?

Most of the rules of regular chess apply to Spell Chess except players can capture the enemy king to win the game. However, the main difference between Spell Chess and regular chess is that players can cast spells.

There are two types of spells: freeze and jump. Each player starts with five freezes and two jump spells. Players can cast one of the spells on a turn before they move a piece. 

Freeze and Jump spells on Spell Chess
Jump and freeze spells.

Freeze spells freeze a 3x3 area of the board. Any piece in that area cannot move for the rest of that turn. To use a freeze spell, click the freeze spell icon before you move and click on the area of the board you want to freeze. 

Freeze Spell Chess
The freeze spell freezes a 3x3 area of the board.

Jump spells allow a player to jump over a specific piece. To use the jump spell, click the jump spell icon before you move and click the piece you want to jump over. 

Jump Spell Chess
The jump spell allows you to jump over one piece.

Spells have a three-move cooldown, so players must wait for three turns before they can use the same spell again. In the example below, you can see that Black used a freeze spell on the bottom right corner of the board. It then takes three moves for their freeze spell to be available again:

Spell Chess cooldown
Spells have a three-move cooldown, so you can't use the same spell twice in a row.

How To Play Spell Chess On

You can play Spell Chess or any other variant on by going to our Variants page.

Spell Chess on's Variants page


You now know what Spell Chess is, its rules, and how to play it on Head to our Variants page and give this exciting chess variant a try!

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