
For the ones who work at chess.com


Regards to all! Can someone from the chess.com employers tell me if there is a possibility to receive a salary on a bitcoin wallet?

Pozdrav svima! Može li mi neko od zaposlenih u chess.com reći da li postoji mogućnost da se plata dobije na bitcoin wallet?

DukaTTi wrote:

Regards to all! Can someone from the chess.com employers tell me if there is a possibility to receive a salary on a bitcoin wallet?

Pozdrav svima! Može li mi neko od zaposlenih u chess.com reći da li postoji mogućnost da se plata dobije na bitcoin wallet?


Why would you need to know that? If you're interested in applying for a job, that would be a question if you make it to the interview stage.


But my guess is that isn't an option 


Of course, the first step is to get a job, I asked the question because I am in Serbia and the problem is that the tax for salaries from abroad is 30 to 50% (because chess.com does not have an office in Serbia), our government would take half of my salary for tax and I would have none of it. By all means, thanks for the reply.

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