Mednarodni Odprti Turnirji Žiginih Prijateljev - ZIGA's Friends International Open Tournaments
Prisrčno vabljeni, da se pridružite / You are kindly invited to attend.
Brez prijavnine in nagrad / Without entry fee and awards.
Datumi štirih turnirjev / Four tournaments dates:
- Sobota, 24.12.2022 / Saturday, 24th December 2022,
- Sobota, 31.12.2022 / Saturday, 31th December 2022,
- Sobota, 7.1.2023 / Saturday, 7th January 2023,
- Sobota, 14.1.2023 / Saturday, 14th January 2023.
Pričetek igranja v časovnih pasovih različnih mestih / Starting time in different cities time zones:
- 11:30 Kočevje, Slovenija / Kočevje, Slovenia
- 12:30 Kraaifontein, Južna Afrika / Kraaifontein, South Africa
- 16:30 Thimphu, Butan / Thimphu, Bhutan
- 17:30 Bangkok, Tajska / Bangkok, Thailand
- 18:30 Šanghaj, Kitajska / Shanghai, China
Ime turnirskega kluba / Tournament club name:
国际象棋小世界 Shanghai Small World Chess Club
Turnirskemu klubu se lahko pridružite preko sledeče povezave / You can join tournament Club through the following link:
Turnirski sistem / Tournament system:
Švicarski sistem, 7 kol, 10+5 / Swiss system, 7 rounds, 10+5
Turnirska povezave za tekoč turnir bo na voljo znotraj turnirskega kluba / Tournament link for the current tournament will be available inside tournament club.
Že je objavljena turnirska povezava za prvi turnir / First tournament link has already been published:
Dodatne informacije / Additional information:
Pošljite sporočilo organizatorju - ziga87 / Send message to the organiser - ziga87
Gens una sumus.