Mister Jeff will be angry when you eat my instant poodles. What!?? He isn't mad!!???? Impossible! Well, no worries, for I ALWAYS COME BACK!!!! *Becomes William Afton* AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA- *Trips on a rock and face-plants to the ground deactivating a landmine which sends me flying to your walls, hence my location. Hits computer and accidentally does enough lessons to get #20 in the world(you can check.)*
Now I know 10 things about you.
1. You checked my location after the Mister Jeff thing.
2. You are not real.
3. You are not a human.
4. You are on Chess.Com.
5. You are a cruel person.
6. You made a thermonuclear bomb as a baby.
7. You have mines all over your house.
8. You believe government conspiracy theories.
9. You also made them.
10. You are the government.
HOHOHO- *Shoots*