Бриллиантовый пользователь

Andrew Todd

3rd in ACO World Amateur Championship 2024, Ulster Schools Chess Champion 2015, Ulster Masters Chess Champion 2015 & 2020, Scottish Rapidplay Champion 2020, Scottish U1800 Champion 2020, British U1700 Champion 2020 and British U1700 Rapidplay Champion 2020

Fide Classical - 1748

Fide Rapid - 1767

Fide Blitz - 1715

Scottish Classical - 1679

Scottish Rapid - 1830

ECF Online Classical -2116

Team Scotland
Team Scotland 899 пользователей
Aberdeen University
Aberdeen University 41 пользователь
Aberdeenshire 109 пользователей
Bangor Chess Club NI
Bangor Chess Club NI 50 пользователей
The Fighting Seagulls
The Fighting Seagulls 47 пользователей