
Hi I am an 12 year old kid. I love soccer, chess, sports, and excising. My favorite subject is math. My ethnicity is Filipino. #Filipino  One of my motto is "Always work hard to accomplish anything. Even if other people have better opportunities than you it still takes hard work and skill to grasps those opportunities."-Readgm Another one is "If you want something or you want something to be done, don't wait for opportunities to come to you, make your own opportunities. (Meaning DON'T BE LAZY!)-Readgm (Side note I kind of got this idea of saying my motto's in my bio from my one of my friends aka Immortal-Man10, shout out to him!) My last one is (until now), "Stop the hate and open your eyes!" There is always more to someone/something than meets the eye." Meaning don't judge someone the way they look or talk.-Readgm. I finally got another motto!!!! It's #LiveLife It explains that you need to live life to the fullest! And enjoy it! Don't think about the past, think about the future. Don't think about how you embarrass yourself yesterday! Shove that thought away and think about what you're doing next.

Also let me also remind all of you, NO ONE IS PERFECT!!! It's okay you messed up or made a mistake just shake it off. (haha taylor swift reference) But even if you know someone who's life is perfect, it probably isn't. Think about the best of you and use it to your strengths. Like if your really good at a sport, tell your friends you guys/(girls) should play it. Or, if your really into fashion then look around for inspiration and start wearing it! (I don't know much about fashion so, sry if you are and don't agree with this piece of advice. But I hope you get the point of this part of the advice) 

Listen we are all different so #LiveLife, you only get one chance to live so make the most of it! Be yourself whatever how dorky, corny, and nerdy you are! Just shove that part of you that doubt yourself and become more confident about yourself!!

Seasonal Message: Happy Holidays Everyone! I know this time of year can be stressful, but try to take time to remember of how much you've grown this year. Whether you grew in height or in self confidence, a year can make a big difference to a person. Also try to set and mental goal this year. Not a resolution though. Something else that I should look up a name for. We shouldn't forget what this time of year is really about. It is about giving to others. Yeah I know so generic right? But it's so true though. I bet if you're reading this you are most likely someone I've haven't talked to in a long time. Or you're some random person I don't know who just stumbled onto my account. In which case welcome! I hope you're enjoying your time here. Anyway back to Christmas, yeah ummmmmm Santa very jolly.....yeah that's all I got......Have a great Christmas and a New Year everyone.

Life Thoughts: I sometimes wonder what life will bring me. When I get up every morning I think about the fun stuff that might happen that day. I also think about how my day went yesterday. I think: Was I a good friend? Did I try my best on everything? I always like to have thing to look forward to that day or a good thing that will happen in a few days.

Sometimes I think about what life might bring me next. But, I learned that whatever curve ball comes your way you just to keep moving forward. GOODBYE!!!: Anyway I'm pretty decent at chess. So, if you want to challenge me, just leave me a note. Also thanks for checking my profile out! That's all for now! #LiveLife