
 Second account:

I like playing video games and strategic games like chess and Clash of Clans and I love listening to music

Estos son unos de mis grandes logros en el ajedrez

These have been one of my achievements in chess, its a conversation with a venezuelan

Aquí esta la conversación 

Here is the conversation 

Quelmes: Its seems that you read a lot about Magnus Carlsen's movements ,This is his manual 

I dont read anything about chess I just follow my instict

Quelmes: Interesting

Me: You said that i do moves like Magnus Carlsen?

Quelmes: Yes 

Quelmes: Your attack and defense are similar to Magnus Carlsen

Me: My family told me that i could be a Grand Master 

Quelmes:  Well, its tells me your level

Quelmes: Of course you are a Master

 Finalmente perdí por tiempo 

 Finally I lost for time

La segunda cosa que considero un logro es cuando creé mi propia apertura, esta apertura la llamo La Variante "Alonsiana" por mi nombre que es "Alonso" siempre he visto que les ponen nombres por lo que lo hice asi  que consta de varias jugadas empezando por las variantes e3 y f4 después Cf3, c4 y las mas interesantes Ca3 y Cc2. Esta apertura fue creada el 11/04/2022, si quieres ver la apertura te dejo un link

The other thing that I consider is one of my achievements it was when I made my own opening, I call it The "Alonsiana" Variation cuz of my name "Alonso" I ve always seen that they call the openings so I did it by this way  . The opening starts  with e3 and f4 variant, then Nf3, c4 and the most intersting moves Na3 and Nc2. That opening was made on April 11 2022 If you wanna see the opening ill give you the link.

Ya para terminar, déjame mostrarte mis mejores jugadas que he tenido en el ajedrez y una de mis partidas favoritas, aqui te dejo el link

And the last thing that id like to show you are  my best moves and one of my favorites games , there you have the link

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