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How to be good at chess. (14 yr old version)

Step 1: remain 100% average in school.

Step 2: wake up really early each day to finish assignments to get chess time.

Step 3: Play max level bots to improve playing games.


Studying, reading, math, getting A's, science, cross-country, track and field, getting As, chess, English, getting A's, cubing, general sports, getting A's, agriculture, learning stuff, and getting A's.


Annoying people, not being on time, getting B's (hasn't happened yet), getting C's (hasn't happened yet), getting D's (hasn't happened yet), getting F's ( hasn't happened yet), and losing at anything.


Life waits for nobody-get up every day and keep pushing through.

Make sure you take good care of yourself-if somethings happen to you, the world will move on and you will fall behind.

If you don't work hard to build your dream life-someone else will hire you to build theirs.

Work in silence-celebrate in private-people love to ruin things.

Don't regret your past-just learn from it and move on.

No one cares-work harder to become better each day.

Ignore advice from anyone that doesn't live the life you want to live.

Rule over your emotions- a calm mind can handle any situation.

The only competition you should be worried about is the yesterday's you.

Work hard-or you'll become the percentile of people that regret their past.

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