
Hello I am Llorenç Boldú and I was born in Barcelona the 13/4/62. So I am exactly 1 year older than Kasparov. My father taught me the game at 6 years but soon I was winning him so he didn't want to play more. He could have sent me to a chess school but it was not to be so  I didn't had anybody to play with until 14, when they started a chess workshop at school. Our teacher decided to play school tournaments and we had a good team because we won all of them. I was board 1. In the last year of school the team Vulca (several times catalan and spanish champion) invited us to play in their club in the E team. This lasted only one year because we had to go to university and the team disolved. I didn't play more from 1979 until 2010. 31 years!! without playing chess but in 2010 I got sick and had to leave work so I was quite bored staying at home. In YT I saw some chess games and I remembered how much I enjoyed in my younghood to play those tournaments and following masters games. I liked Morphy and Fischer style. . So like I had a lot of free time I decided to play online. The first site was called FICS but in 2011 I discovered with the fantastic interface and decided to join. Also I met very nice people like members Terminuso, Count of Montecristo between others including staff members like IM Danny Rensch and Kohai. I also joined the chess club Barcelona UGA to play OTB and I played two years but once I went to a tournament that was too strong for me and I scored only 1 point in 6 games. This upset me so much that I said to myself chess is not for me. I left the club at the end of 2013 and stopped connecting me with in the summer of 2014. At the 2nd. half of 2018, I begin to follow chess games in my mobile because I downloaded the app of The Chess Network and finally I decided to play online again, still my account (member Diogens) was opened. I really sucked I was too slow (I am 56) , and I puzzled in Chesstempo in blitz mode to get faster. I was training to start OTB in 2019 and I joined EDAMI (the school of GM Miguel Illescas) and I started to play OTB  although I think I at a certain moment when you go OTB seriously you need somebody serious to prepare for tournaments because OTB and Online chess are two completely different worlds. I mean in online chess you miss the psychological warfare and the pressure of playing OTB, while online leads to lousy chess and win/loser is just another onlune game. . . And that is my chess story sadly more Off The Board than OTB. But I'll do the best that I can and wont quit this time.

And this the last dance with my late mother in an iranian resto.

And my dear uncle Bijan Zabih with his very cute daughter Sara Zabeeh

My hypersensitive cousin Farinaz and her husband, Ali

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