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Uruguay Open
Liga de jugadores uruguayos auspiciada por la Federación Uruguaya de Ajedrez. 1) Todos los jugadores de Uruguay Open que representen a Uruguay tie...
2 429
The International Chess Team 1
Join the International Team and rise up through the ranks under the leadership of @ArtapuS      
Up The Cherries
Thank you for stopping by and please allow me to introduce Up the Cherries. We are a friendly but active group and are for players of all standards...
Math And Chess Club
This club is for chess players with an interest in mathematics, as well as anyone that wants to improve their math skills. We have many opportuniti...
Team Kuwait
This is the group representing Kuwait in the Chess.com World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in League match play. Member...
1 320
Best Players In The World
Hey everyone , welcome to our club 💐 If you see this, that means you have joined the club, and we highly appreciate you 💐 We hope you have a wonder...
Chess Los Pinos
Bienvenidos a Chess Los Pinos  ♟ 🌲  Un club creado para que nuestra comunidad educativa disfrute del ajedrez.  
C and O New Player - Under 400 Group
 An 'invitation only' group for all C&O students new to chess (and their families), and with a 'Live/Rapid' rating below 400 and/or fewer than ...
Poet Pals
Hello, Do Join, its a fun and Interesting club. An Amazing club filled with joyfulness, Enthusiasm and Whole lot of fun and relaxationDo you have...
Мир шахмат Гомель
Мир Шахмат в Гомеле.  Клуб создан для удобства коммуникации учеников школы. Присоединяйтесь!
Chesspage University Club
Join if you want to play games with other members and participate in tournaments
Croatian Team
Dobrodošli u Croatian Team! Ovo je klub koja okuplja hrvatske šahiste i šahistice na Chess.com platformi. Naš tim pon...
Professors Of Chess
Hello! I see that you're reading this well you've come to the right place. In this club we do club matches, vote chess and tournaments. We have puz...
Dnepr ChessClub
Клуб международного гроссмейстера Геннадия Михайловича Гутмана и его ученицы Анастасии Васильевны
Chess is a giant sea in which a gnat may bathe and an elephant can drink, any and all are welcome in the House Of Zod
2 426
Barbarian's Clash of Clans Club
Are you a fan of smashing things in a frenzied rage? Do you charge headlong into battle with little regard for personal safety (or hygiene)? Then p...
23 378
Afghanistan Team
salams to all this team represent our country Afghanistan on chess.com. so please join the team.
2 099
Airy's Palace
Hi, there. You probably don’t know this club , because this club once was EREN ´S PLACE and United Nations of Unicornia -UNOU. You ...
ICCT Chess Club
The Official Homebase of ICCT Chess Club (ICCT-CC) at Chess.com.
Queens College Chess Club
Official Club Page for Queens College Chess (CUNY)
Team Buenos Aires
https://www.chess.com/club/matches/team-buenos-aires/1503707Team Buenos Aires, es un equipo para ajedrecistas que viven en la Provincia o en la Ciu...