Paladins Of Administration

10 пользователей
24 июн. 2024 г.
Участие в 0 турнирах

Attention Please! This is an important notice for all members and prospective members. The club, “Paladins Of Chess”, is exclusively for the Super Admins, Admins, Coordinators, and other Staff members. We request others to refrain from sending membership requests.

Please note that any requests from non-staff members will not be accepted. Continuous attempts to join may result in a ban from both “Paladins Of Chess” and “Paladins Of Administration”.

         A dedicated group of Friends, united by a passion for the game’s intricate strategies. We exemplify sportsmanship, fostering a respectful and competitive atmosphere in every match. Our modern-day paladins uphold the noble traditions of chess, promoting skill, camaraderie, and the pursuit of excellence.
