I played chess in grade school. (long ago)
I did the chess team in junior high. Went to a high school in Los Angeles. I think they graduated something like 750 per year and had no chess club.
Played with friends in high school and then fell away from it.
Recently, I was at a 5 day managerial training course. The instructor had chess as an important part of his instruction.
I had not thought of the aspects of chess that create great leaders. He opened my eyes. Pattern recognition, planning, execution, adaptation and resilience to name a few.
So here I am learning again. I have kindled an interest in my co-workers. We generally play at lunch now.
My favorite opening is the one that doesn't get my head caved in. I think they call that "No head smashem variation".
I have no aspirations of being a great player. I certainly wouldn't wish to allocate that kind of time to it. Perhaps a reasonably competent and consistent 17 to 1800 would be good enough for me.
Given that lofty goal, I would guess it is obvious I am beneath that. So if I say something stupid don't be too surprised. I am not afraid to be wrong. I certainly don't mind being informed of it either.
And congrats to all getting this far. (in life and this 'about me' write up)
So here is what I can provide as a reward... Moderately funny I guess.I think my daughter has a drinking problem... (thumbs up!)
In case you wondered what the skull said in my avatar.
Sometimes sanity is in short order. My wife, and best friend, is my preferred medication.