Encontra um Clube de Xadrez

FanatikClub is a strong international club that is very active.  We play team matches and vote chess in both the standard and Chess 960 format...
Fog of War
The home of Fog of War, currently the most popular Chess variant!! Discuss strategy, lines and tactics, and come hang out! We look forward to mee...
5 775
Le groupe qui réunit les joueurs de la communauté ChessBar, le premier championnat amateur dans les bars de France ! TOURNOI DE BLI...
Enjoying a Wonderfultime
Join GM Minh Le for some viewers arena and having fun! 
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American Gambits Fan Club
Welcome to the American Gambits Fan Club! Participate in weekly tournaments and connect with fellow fans as we gear up for an exciting debut i...
Inter Turmas do ITA
Participação esperada das diversas turmas + professores!
Christian Homeschool Team
Welcome homeschoolers! The Christian Homeschool Team (CHT) is a crazy little community, united by our shared homeschool experience and our love of ...
Transgender Club
 A club for any who fall somewhere under the trans umbrella, as well as our supporters/allies who share a passion for chess!
Team Norway
Bli med i Team Norway som har representert Norge i Europaligaen og Verdensligaen siden 2008! Delta i interne turneringer og spill online, vote ches...
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Chess School Ukraine
Шаховий Український клуб для школярів та тих, хто може підтримати школярів у змаганнях з іншими клубами та навчити грати в шахи. Брати участь в різ...
Girl's Storm House
Raquel founded this club on Jan 24, 2023 and has taken it forward masterfully as the great club leader that she is. If you are a woman over 18 year...
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Team Slovakia
This group represents Slovakia 🇸🇰 in World League (WL), European League (EL) and Live Leagues: www.chessteams.info/?myteam=Team+Slovakia  Members...
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SageOsts VIP Club
VIP club for friends of SageOst.  First twenty to join get Admin. Titled players get Super Admin. all others are going to be coordinators.
chess rapid and blitz
join in club chess rapid and blitz and get 100 Trophies and be admin so join the club and you will get 50 free rapid and blitz to your rating from ...
Piper Chess Club
It's a club for everyone. Together we share our learnings and play chess with eachother in exciting weekly tournaments: Rapid, blitz and Bullet. Fe...
Love the chess variant "crazyhouse"? Join the official club, and use this chat room to organize matches, discuss strategies, etc.
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Grugs Cave
Join Grug, Viroh's club. Tomfoolery. Rules: yeah nah. Not the radical Waterman's.
WELCOME to the Official CHESS.com/TV Group! You've arrived at the one-stop place for All Things Chess.com/TV. Here you can be notified of scheduli...
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Hola there pal.. Want some weird new friends?? (not really weird tho)* Share ur problems and les try to end em......i guess :>
Revolut Employees
Chess club for Revolut employees and alumni
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