Encontra um Clube de Xadrez

Let s Be Fair
Hello ! We invite you to participate in our LBF team, a small team that has worked to reach the world TOP10 in ten years ! We are currently fightin...
Green Revolution
We are a club dedicated to the preservation of nature, the environment and all of earth's creatures.  Join us in a glorious endeavor to overcome al...
The Global Masters - GM
This is Learner's Area 2.0. There will still be-Daily Puzzles-Private Lessons-Weekly TournamentsBut without the trolling! If you want to be a troll...
Uppsala SSS
Uppsala Schackcentrum Sysslomansgatan 8, 1 tr.  Mer info om Uppsala SSS hittas på hemsidan:  http://www.usss.se/ 
Team Schweiz-Suisse-Svizzera
This team represent Switzerland in World and European Leagues. ------------- Hallo Schachfreund! Um in dieser Gruppe akzeptiert zu werden, musst du...
3 178
Wieża Wadowice
Kliknij po szczegółowe informacje o działalności internetowej klubu Wieża Wadowice   W każdą drugą środę miesiąca o 18.30 gramy tur...
Islam Chess Unity
أشهد أن لا إله إلاَّ الله و أشهد أن محمد رسول الله "I bear witness there is no deity other than Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." ...
4 648
Chess Canadian
Chess Canadian is a team for Canadians and people interested in Canada. Chess Canadian est une équipe pour les Canadiens et les personnes intéress...
5 087
Clube de Xadrez Brasil - CXBr
Somos um clube brasileiro! Temos torneios ao vivo, xadrez por votação com muita interação entre os membros, torneios ...
7 440
Bright Chess
The Bright Chess Club is coached by IM Wenliang Li and WIM Zhiqian Gao in Sunnyvale, California.  The club members are between 5 and 18, from unrat...
Dzięki temu klubowi będziemy mogli organizować turnieje dla społeczności szachoWArszawa. 
Silverdale Chess Club
Like the Great Beer Halls of Europe, the Silverdale Chess Club at Moment Brewing is built for Chess and for Chessplayers. The address is 10876...
Circolo Lecce Scacchi ASD: Attivi in varie zone di Lecce e provincia, con partite dal vivo, studio e chiacchiere a tema scacchistico, aperti a tutt...
The Big Greek Fan Club
Das ist das offizielle Team von The Big Greek auf chess.com! Ich veröffentliche täglich ein Video auf meinem YouTube-Kanal und streame regelmäßig a...
1 291
Knightcap Chess Club
Knightcap Chess Club - Eight by eight 'til late. We host up-beat, stylish chess events in some of the coolest venues across Toronto, Austin, and ...
Squadron Commandos
Greetings    I would like to share with you a unique opportunity that exists among a tightknit core group of "Soldiers" who are ac...
The Optimistic Chess Stars
If you have a fervent love for the game of chess, look no further than our esteemed club, the Optimistic Chess Stars, where passion meets skill. Ou...
Let's get juicy!
Indian Warrior Nation
In this club, we are always welcoming new members of all skill levels and love to compete in daily matches, vote chess, and so much more! We would...
SZACHIŚCI- Giocatori di scacchi
You have to join us because: We need you!  We need you!! We need you!!!  WE NEED YOU!!!😄
We leisurely swim on all the oceans of the Earth at a speed of 7-14 days per move.
1 377
בראשית בנימינה
זאת קבוצה סגורה של חניכי בית הספר בראשית בנימינה
Team Lithuania
This is the group representing Lithuania in the Chess.com World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in League match play. Mem...
3 945
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