See I am a GM
Joined Jul 18, 2021 as a noob. Still a noob.
Another sentence coming tomorrow. Stay tuned.
Please don't.
Does this mean I get to skip tomorrow's sentence?
This is a sentence .
I'm happy
My friends:
@HimalayanPanda is much better than me at chess.
@AdKal5 Also really good
@devhawks a nice friend.
@OscarSheng is very good.
Friends with some GM’s
@Hedgiechess noice friend 😂.
Another note:
Racism isn't a joke
You think you can insult someone's identity and get away with it?
It's like saying your skin color defines your whole existence in this world.
Yes, it's that stupid.
Rewind, racism isn't even supposed to be a thing.
I shouldn't be sitting here writing about racism, in fact I shouldn't even know about it.
We'll never know which idiot started this whole racism business.
But it's got to stop.
People shouldn't be worrying or even aware that their skin colour might affect the rest of their life.
I know you're tired of people telling you that YOU can be the change.
Well surprise, here I am telling you.
But I'm not forcing you.
For all those people out there tired of racism, even the smallest things can help.
Put this in your profile if you are against racism. I know most of you won't, but I know the people with a heart will.
Worst Mate in 1 ever #tooeasy

Yay I am a natural like Vishy Anand!
I would’ve been sooo bored if chess wasn’t here.
I like to put random countries on my thing.
Brilliant move!
Fools mate!
I don’t even know what to write ✍️.
Mated with a pawn. Noice.