Encontre um Clube de Xadrez

Chess School Ukraine
Шаховий Український клуб для школярів та тих, хто може підтримати школярів у змаганнях з іншими клубами та навчити грати в шахи. Брати участь в різ...
Jamaica Chess Federation
The official Chess.com club page of The Jamaica Chess Federation.http://jamchess.com https://www.chess.com/club/jamaica-chess-federation/news Regi...
Asociacion Mexicana de Ajedrez-AMA
Nosotros: AMA (Asociación Mexicana de Ajedrez) es una agrupación de personas amantes del Ajedrez, integrada por jugadores Nacionales y extranjeros,...
The Canadian Team
This team is for Canadian Chess Players only or anyone who is willing to place a Canadian flag next to their nickname. Any calibre is welcome. The ...
Baker Street Irregulars
This is a group for all Sherlock Holmes fans. We are here to discuss all things Holmes - the stories, Baker Street, Watson, the movies, and - of c...
Chess University - Venezuela
Chess University Affiliate Club para los residentes de Venezuela que desean mejorar en el ajedrez. Este club sirve para ayudar a la comunidad de aj...
This is the group representing ''Madagascar'' in the Chess.com World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in World League Matc...
A new chess club! Please join! We will soon have daily matches, tournaments, and vote chess. The first five people to join will get to be super adm...
Meme House
Hello! This is Meme House, a growing chess club here in chess.com.Reasons you should join our club:- Because this club is about memes and memes are...
Chess bénéfice
Hello dear friend,  I invite you to join in my club♕ Let's play in interesting competitions & enjoy chess games 😇🌺
Weirdos XD
Welcome To Weirdos XD Where Your Free To Be Yourself
Forum Games Only
Here we play games, talk about games, and invent new games, but that's all!  We can fill this out after we get a few members who have good ideas f...
Chennai Chess Club Official
Chennai Chess club was initiated to bring in all chess enthusiasts irrespecting of age and skill level. We meet and socialise in a cafe every week ...
Chessman_ua Club
Шаховий клуб проводить регулярні не рейтингові турніри. Під час кожного турніру ведеться стрім на каналі https://www.tiktok.com/@chessman_ua Приє...
Chess.com Custom Pieces
This club is a dedicated space for users of the Chess.com Custom Pieces browser extension, where chess enthusiasts can share their custom designs w...
Dragon King Club
Everyone is welcome to join
Welcome to Alphabet! All individuals on this platform (Chess.com) are able to join since all users here has an alphabet in their usernames. Wheth...
ApexChesss Club
Hello! Welcome to my chess club! I am ApexChesss and we will host viewer tournaments through here!
The Animal Kingdom Conservation Group .
The Animal Kingdom Conservation Group is a fun loving group. We love and respect animals and also the beauty of nature. The Earth its ecosystems an...
This is the group representing ''Somalia'' in the Chess.com World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in World League Match P...
I like beer and Chess
  Rules for entering and staying at I like Beer and Chess 10 complete daily games.2 months of Chess.com.Not having 15 percent Time Out ...
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