IM Sergio Cacho Reigadas Full name Sergio Cacho Reigadas Born 1/1/1974 (age 51) Place of birth Federation Spain Profiles #616 World Ranking 2498 Classical 2548 Rapid Rating Bio Most Played Openings White Pieces King's Indian Attack: Yugoslav Variation (5 games) Indian Game (4 games) Réti Opening: Sicilian Invitation (2 games) Queen's Gambit Accepted: Mannheim Variation (2 games) Réti Opening: Réti Gambit Declined, Advance Variation (2 games) Black Pieces Modern Defense: Standard Line (3 games) Modern Defense with 1.e4 (3 games) Pirc Defense (2 games) Sicilian Defense: Kan, Knight Variation (2 games) King's Indian Defense: Orthodox, Positional Defense (2 games) Games Players Result Moves Year Sergio Cacho Reigadas (2520) Patrice Etchegaray (2366) 0-1 26 2016 Sergio Cacho Reigadas (2512) Oleg Korneev (2569) ½-½ 26 2015 Sergio Cacho Reigadas (2519) Michael Kopylov (2440) 0-1 40 2015 Sergio Cacho Reigadas (2512) Antoni Gual Pascual (2439) ½-½ 47 2015 Sergio Cacho Reigadas (2512) Javier Moreno Ruiz (2467) 1-0 75 2015 Sergio Cacho Reigadas (2519) Jason Altschuler (2089) 1-0 31 2015 Sergio Cacho Reigadas (2519) Juan Ramon Galiana Salom (2239) 1-0 47 2015 Sergio Cacho Reigadas (2519) Claude Adrian (2197) 1-0 49 2015 Sergio Cacho Reigadas (2511) Xavier Avila Jimenez (2220) 1-0 34 2014 Sergio Cacho Reigadas (2511) Mikhail Al Antipov (2508) 0-1 25 2014 Show All Games