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Chess School Ukraine
Chess School Ukraine шаховий Український клуб для всіх бажаючих, хто хоче навчатись, підіймати свою майстерність, грати офіційні та дружні матчі з ...
Bright Chess
The Bright Chess Club is coached by IM Wenliang Li and WIM Zhiqian Gao in Sunnyvale, California.  The club members are between 5 and 18, from unrat...
Clube dos iniciantes
Desafios para iniciantes, entrem no clube para você melhorar sua tequinica !!!!! 
Chess Federation of Canada
The Chess Federation of Canada (CFC), founded in 1872, is a non-profit corporation whose mandate is to promote and encourage the knowledge, study a...
The Empire Of Assassins
        You are invited to become part of The Empire Of Assassins!        "Out of t...
PRO Puzzle Solvers Team
Welcome!This club is for the Best Puzzle Solvers & Battle players worldwide.We enjoy solving puzzles on a professional level,discussing an...
The Cool Chess Inventors
The Chess Stars is a club where people get to socialize and make friends. It is also a place where you can learn to be better at Chess and und...
Poet Pals
Hello, Do Join, its a fun and Interesting club. An Amazing club filled with joyfulness, Enthusiasm and Whole lot of fun and relaxationDo you have...
Team Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, es un equipo para ajedrecistas que viven en la Provincia o en la Ciu...
Hello my dear friend. I would like invite you to team of Muslims. If u muslim or kindly respect to muslims, we will glad to see u in our team. May ...
Science Mom
This club is for Science Mom patrons. Check out for weekly chess club meetings and more.
Beautiful Romania
It's time to discover the beauties of Romania. You're welcome!
The league of sucess
Greetings everyone. In this club, we will host great events and have a lot of fun If follow the rules, you will have the opportunity to become a su...
Team Georgia
This is a group representing Georgia on the We play World League, European League, Asian League official matches and many other friendly...
5 393
Team Catalonia
This is the group representing Catalonia in the World League. Members can only play and represent one Country in the World League and are...
2 067
Bag End Club
If you are a fan of hobbits and all things Middle Earth, please join us for some tea, cakes, and daily chess at Bag End 🌿☕🍰🍷🍀 Bag End Club - Ches...
Coaches's official club for coaches. This club is dedicated for members already listed as Coaches. To be listed on, please ap...
1 771
Yorkshire Terriers
A team for all Yorkies at home or in foreign parts. If you are proud of your county and want to be a part of our team please join. This Group is ...
Lyon échecs
Bienvenue sur le site de Lyon échecs et de ses environs... Tous les joueurs ayant le coeur lyonnais et qui ont envie de défendre notre belle ville,...
TJ Bohemians Praha
Club representing real chess club TJ Bohemians Praha - for more information visit our webpages ( Patříme k největším...
1 161
Sydney Academy of Chess
For chess players interested in all chess related events in NSW, Australia!
3 763