The Brawl Stars Fan Club

869 Medlemmer
31. mar. 2020
19 arrangementer spilt

What’s up Brawl Fans! 
Join here for ACTIVE Brawl Stars talk and make some friends!

IMPORTANT: Before you do anything in the club, read the rules/violations below: 

more rules listed here

Violations: (the big ones are listed first, but all of them are important)

spamming notes/forums or copy pasta 
random word chains in notes or forums (trust me this happens more often than you think)
lying (e.g. claiming to have or be something or someone that you don't have or aren't
club advertisements
trash talking toxicity (disagreements are allowed as long as they are contained)
Inappropriate posts/forums (keep everything PG)
putting things that are not related in forums repeatedly (off topic)
advertising (in-game brawl stars clubs and other in-game content is allowed but anything else will result in a violation)
asking for a promotion repeatedly
copying others without permission
white text (exclude spam forum)
Breaking the comment box
Important: leaving and rejoining the club after being muted results in a ban
If I missed anything that you believe should be a violation please post it below/notes/forums

Note: use common sense to determine whether some of the violations apply to the spam forum.


First offense: warning

Second offense: mute(leadership will determine how long the mute is)

Third offense: ban


@sisileboss4593 - warning
@Babyreckless - warning
@GM_Likhit - warning
@supreeth1020CHESS - warning
@fortnitekid0152 - warning

you are now required to post proof of a violation (i.e. a screenshot or a multiple witnesses of the violation. If not, the person in question may not get penalized.

If you feel that you shouldn't have gotten a warning, discuss it here.

Thanks for complying with the posting policy.

Have fun (this part is required trust me)
