Play Chess With The Chesstice League

Play Chess With The Chesstice League

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It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s superhero chess! Take on the superhero computers, and join the fight against a grandmaster turned supervillain.

Meet the Chesstice League: Mighty Martin, The Green Pawn, Deadlost, Blunder Woman, and The Questionmaster. The Chesstice League is only assembled for the month of June, so play some games with them before they fly away! 

Mighty Martin

Strength: 500

Behold the caped capturer Mighty Martin! A skilled hero who took one lesson from his 4-year-old son.

The Green Pawn

Strength: 900

Danny Rensch thinks taking en passant is a superpower. No one has the heart to tell The Green Pawn he's not one of the superheroes.


Strength: 1300

Deadlost gave up the hero life for a far more lucrative job: Chess streaming. Don’t be distracted when he breaks the fourth wall.

Blunder Woman

Strength: 1650

Blunder Woman is the sworn protector of chess players. With her utility belt of gadgets, she’s here to stop blunders once and for all.

The Questionmaster

Strength: 0

GM Robert Hess got stuck on an extra difficult chess puzzle and lost his mind. Now he is the evil villain known as The Questionmaster.

Play chess with these super-fun superheroes before it's too late. And let us know who's your favorite in the comments section below!

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