Germany and Russia undefeated, Play round 5

Germany and Russia undefeated, Play round 5

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Photo by Susan PolgarThe cream is rising to the top and Russia may still be a force to be reckoned with. There are only two teams undefeated thus far in the 38th Chess Olympiad being held in Dresden, Germany.

Today’s games promise to be exciting.  Germany has two teams competing because they are the host country this year. But it is their top team who is reaking all of the havoc.  Germany 1 faced Scotland round 1, Slovenia round 2, Malaysia round 3, and Spain round 4.

Russia’s road wasn’t any easier, they played Switzerland round 1, Poland round 2, Cuba round 3 and India round 4.

With GM Arkadij Naiditsch of Germany and GM Alexander Morozevich of Russia both having a strong tournament we should expect fireworks.

The rest of the field is not far behind with Armenia, Hungary, Norway, Azerbaijan, England, Ukraine and the Netherlands all with one point of the leaders.  The U.S. team has dropped down to the middle of the pack with 5 points and really needs to shift gears to get back in the medal race.

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