Future of is Checkers!

Future of is Checkers!

| 50 | Misc is very excited to announce its future in the "online gaming community" as the world wide leader in... Checkers!

Erik, the owner and CEO of had this to say about the coming changes:

"We are SO excited to make this transition over the year 2011! Many of our members, perhaps none more so than myself, have been growing bored with the chess. Seriously, how lame is chess when you really think about it? I am so excited to have made this realization and we plan to start implementing changes as early as this month. We hope everyone will jump on board, literally, with this switch!"

Though this may come as a surpise to some, we at have been preparing for this major change for years. Jay, the Senior Developer, Co-Founder and CTO of has this to say about the technical side of this giant shift:

"Though I can't take full credit for this decision, I can say that I have been pushing Erik and others to make the right choice for a long time. Chess is slow, obnoxious, and does nothing to help stimulate the mind or critical thinking skills of our youth. The code will be tricky to modify, but I have been looking forward to this for sometime, and I am encouraged by the direction of our company. I am looking forward to the challenge of bringing into the 21st Century by becoming! Let's go team!!!"

The Co-Director's of Content, IM David Pruess and IM Daniel Rensch had this to say about the possibility of their jobs being re-evaluated with the company's new direction.

IM DAVID PRUESS: "I have mastered many board games. Chess, Go, and of course, Checkers! Though I can't guarantee the safety of my partner's job, I am confident that I will retain my management position with the company."

IM DANIEL RENSCH: "Exlamaviotch! Wait, what's going on here?"

IM Daniel Rensch is currently under investigation for his un-solicited use of the term "Exclamaviotch" as it has been discovered that a Russian Poet first used this term over a century ago. His family is claiming royalty rights to the phrase, and may be forced to sever ties with IM Daniel Rensch to avoid a lawsuit.

All in all, is really looking forward to the future, and we hope our members are too. Staff

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