Caruana Leads 9LX With Perfect 3/3 As Kasparov Returns To Chess Arena
Garry Kasparov once again participates in the annual 9LX event. Photo: Lennart Ootes/Saint Louis Chess Club.

Caruana Leads 9LX With Perfect 3/3 As Kasparov Returns To Chess Arena

| 18 | Chess Event Coverage

Just days after winning the U.S. Championship for the fourth time, GM Fabiano Caruana also started his 2024 Chess 9LX tournament very well. The St. Louis resident won his three games on the first day, including against GM Hikaru Nakamura, and leads by a point. Among the participants is the legendary GM Garry Kasparov, who began with 1.5/3.

The second day will start on Tuesday, October 29, at 1 p.m. CDT/2 p.m. ET/19:00 CEST.

Round 3 Standings

9LX 2024 Round 3 Standings

Chess960 (Fischer Random) is having a bit of a revival, or is it a new peak in popularity? The Freestyle tournament in February of this year, initiated by the German businessman Jan-Henric Buettner and GM Magnus Carlsen, will see a series of three events in 2025: again in Weissenhaus (Germany), in South Africa, and in the U.S. Chess960 is also being played this week in St. Louis at the annual 9LX event.

From interviews with the players beforehand, it became clear that most actually prefer 960 over classical chess, for the lack of opening preparation needed. That includes Kasparov: for him, it is a chance to compete "without getting overwhelmed in the opening," as he put it. GM Levon Aronian even called it "960 times more fun." GM Hikaru Nakamura, on the other hand, is one of the few who still prefers classical over a variant where you have to "start thinking from move one."

Kasparov Nakamura Ultimate Moves 2024
Kasparov is back at the board in St. Louis—here during Sunday's Ultimate Moves event. Photo: Crystal Fuller/Saint Louis Chess Club.

The added fun for most chess fans is, of course, the participation of Kasparov, now 61 years old. He could be seen behind the board earlier on Sunday, when the traditional Ultimate Moves event was held: a casual competition where the players are divided into two teams and have to play 10 blitz games, each making five moves before letting a team member take over.

This year's edition once again saw the participation of Rex Sinquefield, the billionaire responsible for supporting everything that's been happening in St. Louis for more than a decade now. There was also a very surprising name leading the other team: Mr. Monopoly—this was on the occasion of the recently published, special St. Louis edition of the board game. It certainly added to the fun atmosphere and as it turned out, Mr. Monopoly isn't such a bad player!

Round 1 Position

The 9LX tournament began on Monday, and the first position was revealed around 12:50 p.m. local time. The players got 10 minutes to analyze it with their partners. As Nakamura arrived several minutes late to the playing hall, GM Leinier Dominguez had to analyze alone for a while. That didn't seem to harm him too much until he went for a central pawn break prematurely. Kasparov countered strongly and started his tournament with an excellent win.

The first day of play saw a total of 10 decisive games (out of 15 played), which could be another argument in favor of this particular format. Even so, what follows is one of the few draws as it was hypersharp, mainly thanks to Aronian's creative and aggressive opening play. After the round, all players gathered around the board and started analyzing!

Aronian Shankland 9LX 2024
Aronian started aggressively against Shankland. Photo: Lennart Ootes/Saint Louis Chess Club.

Round 2 Position

2023 winner GM Sam Sevian said that he liked this position the most of the three on Monday: "There's always this Qh6+ idea or Qh3+ for White, so immediate tactics!" That indeed happened in a few games including the following, but in this case, White's queen got sidelined too much, and Caruana won a strong game:

Shankland Caruana 9LX 2024
A deeply focused Shankland vs. Caruana. Photo: Lennart Ootes/Saint Louis Chess Club.

The 13th world champion basically plays just once a year, in this tournament, so we're definitely going to look at all of his games in these news reports. Although he started so nicely, Kasparov's second game was just bad, but bad in a way that is typical for Chess960. After missing an idea that would have given him a big advantage, somehow things went downhill surprisingly fast against GM Wesley So.

So Kasparov 9LX 2024
So and Kasparov discussing the game afterward. Photo: Lennart Ootes/Saint Louis Chess Club.

Round 3 Position

The third position was a bit more difficult to play, perhaps because it was harder to strive for positions similar to some in classical chess. Kasparov vs. GM Ray Robson was about equal for a while until things got very tactical, starting with an excellent exchange sac. The analysis revealed some beautiful stalemate ideas as well:

Kasparov Robson 9LX 2024
Enough to talk about after this exciting draw! Photo: Lennart Ootes/Saint Louis Chess Club.

Both Caruana and Nakamura had started with two wins, so their mutual game in the third round was important for the tournament overall. Although Nakamura has lately had Caruana's number in classical chess, he didn't have much of a chance this time.

"He gave me such a space advantage," commented Caruana. "It was like a King’s Indian from some kind of dream, you never get this."

Here is the game, with annotations by GM Rafael Leitao:

Caruana further said that he didn't celebrate his latest U.S. title much but focused on recovering and getting ready for 9LX, which he really likes: "It’s very nice to see some creative approaches. I am trying to take a more general, solid approach because it’s also very easy to just lose from the opening, if you’re really going and trying to create, then you can easily lose, so I am trying to strike a balance between those two things."

Caruana Nakamura 9LX 2024
Caruana moved to 3/3 after beating Nakamura. Photo: Lennart Ootes/Saint Louis Chess Club.
How to watch?
You can watch the 2024 Chess 9LX tournament on the Saint Louis Chess Club YouTube Channel. You can also follow the games on our Events Page.

The live broadcast was hosted by IM Nazi Paikidze and GM Yasser Seirawan

The 2024 Chess 9LX tournament is an over-the-board Chess960 tournament featuring 10 star players including the legendary Kasparov taking place in the World Chess Hall of Fame in St. Louis. Three rounds are played each day with a 20+10 time control. The first prize is $30,000 with a bonus prize of $7,500 for sole first.

Previous Coverage

Peter Doggers

Peter Doggers joined a chess club a month before turning 15 and still plays for it. He used to be an active tournament player and holds two IM norms. Peter has a Master of Arts degree in Dutch Language & Literature. He briefly worked at New in Chess, then as a Dutch teacher and then in a project for improving safety and security in Amsterdam schools. Between 2007 and 2013 Peter was running ChessVibes, a major source for chess news and videos acquired by in October 2013. As our Director News & Events, Peter writes many of our news reports. In the summer of 2022, The Guardian’s Leonard Barden described him as “widely regarded as the world’s best chess journalist.”

Peter's first book The Chess Revolution is out now!

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