The Finals Are Set: Aronian vs. Robson, 5x Krush vs. Lee
The moment that Aronian prevailed. Photo: Lennart Ootes/Saint Louis Chess Club.

The Finals Are Set: Aronian vs. Robson, 5x Krush vs. Lee

| 14 | Chess Event Coverage

GMs Levon Aronian and Ray Robson prevailed against their respective world top-10 opponents, GM Fabiano Caruana and Wesley So, on day four of the 2024 American Cup. They advance to meet in the Finals.

In the Women's section, GM Irina Krush and Alice Lee each won and are heading into their fifth consecutive American Cup Finals matchup.  

Day five begins on Saturday, March 15, 2024, at 2:20 p.m. ET/19:20 CET/11:50 p.m. IST.


Champions Open: Robson's Clock Ambush, Aronian Comes Alive in Blitz

After another draw in classical, it all came down to the rapid game between Robson and So―with the latter in a must-win position. The players fought through the middlegame into the endgame as So kept trying to make progress.

Briefly, the winning opportunity that So had been striving for appeared on the board. Yet, in the heat of the moment with just minutes left on the clock, he overlooked his chance.

The match finished in a curious manner. Ahead an exchange in a drawn ending, So studied the board diligently, forgetting that he had just seconds left on the clock. Robson reflected on these final seconds:

As he got down to five seconds or so, I noticed from the way that he was looking at the board that he wasn’t paying attention to the clock at all. I was watching him, and then I was thinking if he gets to four seconds and looks at the clock, then he’s going to make a move.

If not, I’m going to just keep looking at the board, and then hopefully he’ll keep looking at the board, and yeah, he just didn’t notice it at all.

I noticed from the way that he was looking at the board that he wasn’t paying attention to the clock at all.

―Ray Robson

Post-game analysis smiles. Photo: Lennart Ootes/Saint Louis Chess Club.

After two more close draws in the classical and rapid games, Aronian came alive in the blitz playoff. In the first tiebreaker, he outplayed Caruana in a rook ending and finished with a clever tactical shot. 

In the last game, Aronian closed out the match with an inspired dynamic sequence. This is our Game of the Day. Enjoy the following analysis by GM Rafael Leitao.

Looking ahead to the final, Aronian shared his thoughts on his upcoming opponent, Robson:

He’s a tremendous talent…. Before I came to the States, I knew him, and I felt, there’s this guy falling into time trouble for no particular reason. He’s a good player, but I didn’t really know him so well. Once I got to play here and see him play, I can really just share my admiration. 

If he was more ambitious, I think he would be a top player. Even now, he’s one of the top players in the United States. He has great potential because he has a natural feel for the game.

He has great potential because he has a natural feel for the game.

―Levon Aronian

Champions Women's: Lee Wins Third Game in a Row, Krush Fights Off Paikidze's Comeback

Lee won a third game in a row to win her match vs. WGM Gulrukhbegim Tokhirjonova with a round to spare. Lee gained a vast advantage in the opening and didn't let her opponent back into the game. She shared afterward:

I thought this whole game went very smoothly. I think it’s just hard for her to play. It was very pleasant to play for White… her pieces are just undeveloped... Black doesn’t have any counterplay.

Lee is still undefeated as she heads into her match vs. her biggest American Cup rival, Krush. Photo: Lennart Ootes/Saint Louis Chess Club.

In a must-win position, IM Nazi Paikidze showed up ready to fight on Friday. She showed aggressive intentions from the opening, storming her forces into Krush's kingside.

In the rapid game, Paikidze opted for another fighting opening, but Krush was able to crash through on the queenside first. 

After the match, Krush shared her mindset: "I think what helps me is my expectation that things don't always have to be easy. It's not the end of the world when you're going through some kind of trials."

The eight-time U.S. Women's Champion advances to the final for the third year in a row. Just like in the previous years, Lee is her opponent. In fact, Krush and Lee have faced each other four times over the last two American Cups―and Krush has won every match. Will the rapidly improving prodigy be able to be able to flip the script this time around?

Meanwhile, So, Caruana, Paikidze, and Tokhirjonova now join the elimination bracket for their second chances in the tournament. 

How to watch?

The games of the American Cup can be found on our live events platform: Open | Women. The rounds start each day at 2 p.m. ET/19:00 CET/11:30 p.m. IST.

The broadcast was hosted by GM Yasser Sierawan, WGM Anastasiya Karlovich, and GM Cristian Chirila.

The 2024 American Cup is an over-the-board tournament in St. Louis featuring some of the strongest players in the United States. Split into Open and Women's sections, the players will compete in a double-elimination knockout bracket while contesting for their share of the $400,000 prize fund. 

Previous Coverage:

NM Vanessa West

Vanessa West is a National Master, a chess teacher, and a writer for In 2017, they won the Chess Journalist of the Year award.

You can follow them on X: Vanessa__West

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