
Hello. I'm Viktor Z***. I was born in Bratislava-Slovakia in 2010. Now I am 1st grader in secondary school. When did I start playing chess? - in July 2023... 

Chess Tour: In July 2023 I started playing chess instantly (almost every day few games). Before July 2023 I played chess with my father and grandfather and my opening was like e4 e5 g3 Nf6 d3 (white) - Why this opening*? to develop my bishops to active squares (that opening* is bad please don't play it). In fact i didn't know how to play chess. Today I am much better and I know some openings like Ruy Lopez, Italian game, Queens gambit declined, Sicilian defense,... + basic endgames. 

Hobbies: 1. Table tennis - training 2 - 4 times a week   2. Football - I was playing football till i've got knee injury, now I watch football and sometimes I cassualy play football with my friends    3. Chess (obviously)   4. just few more...


Best game ever

Thanks !!! Send me friend request or play a game with me. If you have a question, text me.