Diamond Member

Welcome to my bio, please click the "more >" button so you can read till' end!

It's my dream to be as good as Magnus Carlson, and one day beat him. I also want to be a famous streamer and a famous blogger!


US Chess Club 101

Lilly's Torcher Chamber

The Chess Athletes

Bubbles Of Chess

Best Freinds!

  1.  @Scemer  A awsome friend to have! He is my SA and my club and he also made my pfp!
  2. @BestBubble7 My favorite person on this list! She is the most friendliest person I know and the most fun person to be around. Its hard to gain her trust so don't be mean or I'll take out the Bubble gun. 😠
  3.  @IrishmanOK 
  4. @Roman-VZ55 He made all of the banners for my club! My club wouldn't be what it is if it wasn't for him! happy His club is The Chess Athletes. You should join!
  5. @CallmeLyric We met when I created my club, he was the first to join and he helped me along the way! His club is Young Legends! He is a good and reliable friend!

People that that are on my BAD SIDE (You don't want to end up here)

  1. @999_Juice_WRLD999 I gave him admin and I helped his club grow! How did he pay me? When he got what he needed from me he LEFT my club and DEMOTED ME in his! Then he made fun of my club in messages but then blocked it so I couldn't reply! 😡 **UPDATE**: he apologized but I don't really think he meant it so he's staying here.
  2. @BombCraft for some reason he had beef with me so he kept reporting me for spamming even tho I wasn't. He also kept getting mad at me for Promoting my club in other clubs even if I had permission! 

Gravestones 😭

  • @Roman-VZ55 -- He still has his account but he is no longer allowed to be in the social side of sad.png
  • @BestBubble7 She got banned for no reason. Her alt @Bubble was reopened as a 2nd chance but it is permanently muted.

Hopefully, the list wont get any longer 😅

Here are 10 things ik about you! (READ TILL END)

                                                     1. You are human

                                                        2. You are reading this

                          3. You can’t say the letter “p” without separating your lips 

                                                       4. You just tried to do it

                                                6. You are laughing at yourself 

                          7. You have a smile on you face and you skipped number 5

                                   8. You checked to see if there was a number 5

                       9. You are laughing at yourself because everyone else fell for it

                         10. Now copy and paste this and see who else falls for it too

I also have a Lichess account and my user is "IsaacRich12". If you friend me I will accept, and it is my goal to hit 1k views in my profile by the end of next year. I also want to hit 100 members in my club US Chess Club 101. (UPDATE) I have hit 100!! 













I'm warning you!










last chance













HAHA TRICKED YA! Theres nothing here and you just wasted 20 seconds of your life!

but there is more to it

















BRO how did you get tricked again!!!










💀why r u here rn