

FIDE ID: 12598313. I am Elo underrated because of arbiters' ill biased treatment and some opponents' @$$H0|!sm. Also played OTB blitz when I was on drugs, tilted obviously!


My username on L!Čⓗ3ടs (you know which platform I mean, that-which-must-not-be-named) is: PouriaBz91 

Play fair, stay clean! In FairPlay we trust! Viva la sportsmanship, long live online chess!

I'm a bad player who is always unlucky. My weak chess nature has not been nurtured properly! The Opening theories, Middlegame tactics and Endgame strategies are part of my chess weaknesses. I always fail to plan so my plan is to fail! I don't believe in psychology; I believe in bad moves.


"The pleasure is to play, makes no difference what you say"