
 I’m Jason

2 Buddy meters!

1st Link:  https://buddymeter.com/quiz.html?q=58koC3a

2nd Link : https://buddymeter.com/quiz.html?q=8LxMcNm

(From best to least best)

 @MaybeIWillLostYouMyFriend (my best friend) / @SantannadeAlwis ( my best friend)

@KNSR02027 (a good friend)

@Mark12291229 (a nice owner of the mark mental asylum)

@RabbitRover (Mark’s bodyguard)

@Lily_714 ( famous with her creative mind)

@Martux09 (obsessed with nesquiks)

@TecDragoman (designer of my pfp)

@KnightBrother1 ( club owner of the warrior of dragons)

@KnightBrother2 ( club owner of the warrior of dragons 2)