I'm a husband and father, and an outdoorsman. Chess has been a pastime in my family, and I encourage it because it helps people use there mind more efficiently. My love for chess is due largely in part to its competitive nature, and the one-on-one style play. I've been playing off and on for fifteen years, but having taken an eight year break, my game is nowhere near what a fifteen year veteran should be. Right now I play about six to seven games a week, plus my online play here on this webplace. My style is opening and developing quickly so as to begin attacking with volume as soon as possible. Oft times I enjoy a gambit opening, because I like to maintain control of the center. I defend by sacrifice, and am not afraid to trade, unless my plan is already in work. All in all, my endgame has a lot to be desired of, and as a result, I try to keep the game from going that far.