Atrodi šaha klubu

ChessBase India Official
The Official ChessBase India Chess Club
Houseline's blunderfull band
It's  a blunderful life full of chess and chill chat.
수학 하는 클럽
Sanjivani COE_KPG
Play and have fun with learning!!
안녕하세요, 체스인사이드 클럽입니다 유튜브: 네이버 블로그: 인스타그램: @chessinside
1 198 - Arabic - Arabic النادي الرسمي للشطرنج العربي Contact Support | Become Premium!        
9 755
Hey players across the world ! Welcome to the check mate club! This club is where u can learn on how to improve ur chess skills and make new frnds ...
Scandinavian  1.e4 d5
No new members being accepted at this time.  Our club has players from all over the world. We promote the Scandinavian Defense (Center Count...
The Netherlands
Dit is een openbare club en iedereen is hier welkom, Als je lid wil worden, meld je aan dat is alles.het is wel handig als je Nederlands kunt, wan...
15 321
The Void Alliance Club
We are on the track of getting all of the toxic and unfair people out of entirely!! The Void Will be a place for dark and mysterious talk...
Kyrgyz Republic
Официальный клуб шахматистов Кыргызской Республики
2 247
Ohioan Village
Ohioan Village is a private club for anybody in CHT and/or CYCT to play mafia. Send in a request if you’re interested! If you don’t know how to pla...
Tortoise Chess Club
A team for 5-14 day match play.
4 164
Club de Marcianos Ajedrecistas . Mars Aguirre
Torneos de ajedrez todos los VIERNES a las 7pm hora CDMX. Únete para jugar!!  
1 139
Sveriges Glada SK
Nystartad klubb för alla svenska schack-älskare! 
Ajedrez Paraguay
Este es el grupo oficial para los ajedrecistas paraguayos en Todos aquellos jugadores que quieran representar a Paraguay serán ...
2 250
Lovely Chess Girls and Boys
Lovely Girls and Boys Chess Club Is Very Funy Chess Club.Please Join This Club.
L'Atelier des Echecs
Bienvenue au club ! On est ici pour partager notre passion des échecs et t'aider à progresser de la manière la plus agr&eacu...
Team Nigeria
Team Nigeria strives to be a happy and welcoming place. We promote a supportive and rewarding chess environment, as well as a chance to make friend...
6 250
Fog of War
The home of Fog of War, currently the most popular Chess variant!! Discuss strategy, lines and tactics, and come hang out! We look forward to mee...
5 771
Prince_Skywalker should get banned
Everyone report the annoying Prince_Skywalke!!!  
Organised Chaos
Greetings! This is a place where anyone and everyone is welcome. Have fun, cause chaos and play chess! I hope you choose join and support us!
Team Venezuela
Hola! Te invito a formar parte de Team Venezuela, somos el grupo que representa a Venezuela en la Liga Mundial de Nos gustaria que te un...
2 756
Shining Smiles ツ
  Welcome to Shining smiles: ) The name of this club has a very deep meaning: ) so I started a club in real life once named Shining Smiles which...
1 363
Ups! Šis klubs ir ticis atspējots.