Rasti Šachmatų Klubą

Slavic Warriors
Slavic Warriors to grupa stworzona dla graczy z Polski i Ukrainy , którzy lubią rozgrywać mecze drużynowe Slavic Warriors - це група, ств...
Let s Be Fair
Hello ! We invite you to participate in our LBF team, a small team that has worked to reach the world TOP10 in ten years ! We are currently fightin...
Sudan Chess Team
Sudan Chess Team: The official representative of The World League Championship. Are you interested in learning how to play chess? Would you like to...
1 421
Just have fun playing chess
Pulchowk Campus Chess Club
This is an official Pulchowk Campus Chess Club in chesscom.
The GaLLant Knights
The One True Knight Club! Must have "knight" in your name or profile pic featuring a knight
1 537
We try to make as much brilliant moves as possible !!
IndeX é um espaço dedicado à troca de conhecimentos, voltado para jogadores de todos os níveis e idades. Buscamos inves...
Republic Of Chess.com Gamerz
Hello!!!! Welcome to THE REPUBLIC OF CHESS.COM GAMERZ official club. What 3 main things our club offers- 1) you can chat here and make goo...
The Cheetahs of Chess -TCoC-
You're probably thinking, "I don't want to join any more clubs," but still, I'd like you to give my club a chance. I think you won't regret it. T...
Chess Heroes Club
2 288
Promote to Infinity
  Limited Offer: free coordinator to anyone who joins! We are looking for some event coordinators, one for Daily Matches, one for Vote...
Cornhusker Chess Club
The Cornhusker Chess Club is home to the Virtual Chess Tournament series, which utilizes a divisional round-robin format followed by a double-elimi...
So many people knows Czech republic, so many people knows also a Czech bier and of course, so many people knows Prague. If you want to know the se...
Obsessive Chess Disorder.
We are a small well established club of very active chess obsessed members, all levels are welcome; however, membership is LIMITED to ens...
The team is representing Belarus in the Chess.com World League and European League. We welcome everyone from Belarus, from the people who started c...
2 954
Team Meguchess   Canal : https://www.youtube.com/@MeguChess
Our Palace
Here we can talk about anything no problem. Nothing would be secret in this club 
The Golden 64 Squares
JOIN & ENJOY...   Chess improvement blogs & courses Top coaches at discounted prices Membership events Weekly live Arenas Si...
2 845
Advanced Classical League
As we all know, NSPCL closed down sadly. Or did it? It's inactive currently, but till it's inactive, why not join the Advanced Chess League wi...
Kings and Queens Chess Club
Hi to All!  We are a club with not too many members, and all of you are invited to be here. All club members are ACTIVE ones. We don't w...
Chess History
Are you interested in the History of the royal game of chess? Please join and help improve the knowledge of all involved. https://www.chess.com/cl...
2 780
Cities World Cup
This group was formed to organize the games of the Cities World Cup (CWC). Rule: enjoy the games in a fair play way.
Ups! Šis klubas yra išjungtas.