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 Here is a story about me, chess, piano and basically all my life…

Well, I started playing chess when I was 5 years old. My father taught me the rules. Then I discovered the site called, My first game was against Martin bot and I made a draw. By stalemate. I became sad, and didn’t took chess seriously until became 6 years old. This year I spent playing piano. I was doing it very very well. And everyone thought I will become a good pianist soon. They was right… but piano wasn’t the only thing where I were talented. In my school I discovered chess again. And then it became my life… I started playing games, taking lessons with my FM teacher, watching chess videos, joining tournaments, winning tournaments! and enjoying chess. I was progressing very quickly. So, at 2020 I was 600 elo, at 2021 I was 1300 elo, at 2022 I was 1700 elo, at 2023 I was 2000 elo and 1520 FIDE and now its 2024, and I’m U10 Rapid Nyon (🇨🇭Switzerland) champion,  I am 1879 FIDE, 2400 elo, Uzhgorod (🇺🇦) champion (Ye, btw I am from Ukraine and My family and I moved In Switzerland because of the war). So learning chess weren’t worth it, because I already make some money on chess tournaments😎, and I enjoy it. Also And didn’t gave up piano of course, I am now at 8th piano grade, and we are learning nocturne op 9 n 2 right now with my teacher. (I will edit this text when we will start a new piece) I also enjoy scootering! At September 2024 I landed my first front flip! So, I think that’s all for now, for my 11 years on this planet, but life changes, so I will change this text when it will. Thank you for reading!

P.S If there are any language mistakes, please text me because my national language is  Ukrainian and I can’t speak English that well. 
До речі, всім українцям велике привітання!
