Team Puppy

회원 120명
2024. 4. 22.
17 플레이한 이벤트

The international league of dogs, Team Puppy, has invited you to join. If you want to see one of the most active u200 member clubs on, just join here! We started three matches in our first two days, we have started over forty matches so far, and are already competing in the Dow World Cup. But what if you are not an active member, you say, what if I can't keep up with all the activity in this club? Well, that's okay too! We have all kinds of forums, spamming ones, Best Games, puzzles by our co-owner @sdeb04, which won't be every day now that it is summer, Guess that Dog Breed by our admin @Advait0007, and so much more! If this has convinced you, great. If not, why not still join and figure out what else there is in this club! So come one in, and I will see you with us! - @ThankfulBone.

Owner- @ThankfulBone

Co-owners, @sdeb04, @luke440

Special Mentions - @budword, our hundredth member