ბრილიანტის წევრი

Promote to King is a young (created January 1st, 2024), yet sizeable (2600+ members), highly active (now playing more than 2000 daily matches) and competitive team (in the top 100 teams of the daily team matches leaderboard). Are you a serious player willing to take a challenge and help bringing the club to the next level? Join us!

Send me a friend request to stay informed about the club evolution, tournaments being created and new blog posts.

Friend link!

Open for registration: Promote to King 2024 open Christmas tournament

P2K Headquarters
P2K Headquarters 10 წევრი
ONE WORLD League 647 წევრი
The United Chess Nations
The United Chess Nations 8 006 წევრი
Promote to King
Promote to King 2 861 წევრი
Chess.com Beta
Chess.com Beta 4 928 წევრი