ბრილიანტის წევრი

"When you see a good move, look for a better one!!"


JOKE: Which Bear Is The Most Condescending?... A Pan-Duh 🐼

Been Very busy with family and sports! Might be taking a break for a little bit

**(New Joke Every Sunday. Next One 6/16/24)**


Open For Friend Request! 

Biggest Clubs I'm Staffing In:

  1. diamond45.6K Members: NM Coach Bills Free Video Lessons 
  2. platinum35.4K Members: Egypt Chess Club 
  3. gold18.6K Members: Bay Area Chess
  4. 9.1K Members: The Royal Chess Club
  5. 4.7K Members: iChess 
  6. 3.6K Members: -Road to GM- 
  7. 3.1K Members: Variants Are The Best 
  8. 2.2K Members: Paladins of Chess
  9. 2.1K Members: Ambassadors of Chess
  10. 1.9K Members: Chesscom vs Chesskid
  11. 1.4K Members: Brilliant Chess League  
  12. 1.2K Members: The Prodigies of Chess chesspawn

Random Rules and Things About Me:

  • The Name's Matthew.tongue 
  • Username use to be XXX-101. pin
  • Going for National Master before I turn 21. (Got the GothamChess Course! its worth it) openings
  • I love football. draw
  • I'm 16, Started playing chess at 11. platinum
  • Born in Colombia but moved to the US. explorer
  • Lichess Account: https://lichess.org/@/RooksOnSteroids wn
  • I don't do any online relationships. Your boi is taken. surprise 
  • Played in the Chesskid Monthly Championship Finals. peshka 
  • Favorite music artist is XXXTentacion and DaBaby. (Im not black sad.png)
  • Profile Picture Changes Every Month! friends
  • and Please do not spam me questions. messages

Meme of the Month: (Props to @Kaleb341 for this)

NOTE: I AM joining any clubs. so...Please advertise to me!  Going for 200+

Friend me 💀: https://link.chess.com/friend/KGiuxN 

Love you guys! please follow... going for 3k Followers and 5k Views! trophiestrophies 

Bay Area Chess
Bay Area Chess 19 303 წევრი
The Royal Chess Club
The Royal Chess Club 9 083 წევრი
Wildlife Chess Club
Wildlife Chess Club 292 წევრი
iCHESS 4 924 წევრი
The Prodigies Of Chess
The Prodigies Of Chess 1 232 წევრი