Chess Dream Team

405 წევრი
17 თებ. 2017
696 ტურნირი ნათამაშები

We have the honor and the pleasure to invite YOU to CHESS DREAM TEAM, a welcoming club, which stands out for its many activities and great distinctions, but above all for the morals, principles and mutual respect among its members!

All this makes us feel very beautiful and pushes us to improve even more! 

In our club, each of us has the opportunity and the pleasure of playing many interesting games of any type, e.g. Standard, 960 and Vote Chess!

If you are looking for the ideal place to spend pleasantly and constructively your free time, into an environment friendly and hospitable, you have certainly come the right place!

Don't have the slightest doubt that your decision to join CHESS DREAM TEAM will justify you for this your choice! happy.png





