
Team Taiwan 台灣
Hello and welcome to Team Taiwan on chess.com! This is the group for all chess players from Taiwan or have connections with Taiwan. We are the offi...
Team New Zealand
This is the group representing New Zealand in the Chess.com World and Asian Leagues. Members may only represent one country in each of these 2 leag...
Pin Oak Chess Club
Welcome to the Pin Oak Chess Club! We will hold live matches and live tournaments for the students of Pin Oak. To join, please send a request telli...
Republic Of Chess.com Gamerz
Hello!!!! Welcome to THE REPUBLIC OF CHESS.COM GAMERZ official club. What 3 main things our club offers- 1) you can chat here and make goo...
DHBW Schachklub- Friedrichshafen
Alle Studierenden und Mitarbeitenden der DHBW Friedrichshafen sind herzlich willkommen, unserem Klub beizutreten! Wir veranstalten regelmä&szl...
Steinitz Mongolian Chess Academy
2024-2025 оны Хичээлийн жил тэмцээн арвин зохиож, хүүхдүүдийн ур чадвар, туршлагыг хурдан богино хугацаанд нөхөх төлөвлөгөөтэй байгааг дуулгахад та...
Team Iraq
فريق العراق,  المؤسس الأول للتجمع العراقي على هذه المنصة.. الفريق الوطني العراقي فريق دولي تنافسي, الممثل الوحيد لدولة العراق والمعتمد لدى الد...
Trainings-Verein für deutschsprachige Lernbegierige. Wir bieten regelmäßige Trainingseinheiten Dienstags 20 Uhr. Offen für neu...
Royal Wallachian Chess Club
Klub pro všechny milovníky Valašska a celé Moravy, přírodních krás, kultury, památek i šachu.Pro potěchu duše a mysli slouží fotografie přírodních ...
Peak Performers
Peak Performers is a very active, well established club which focuses mostly on daily matches. We have over 50,000 match points and are very close ...
This is the group representing ''Madagascar'' in the Chess.com World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in World League Matc...
2500 under club
Join the 2500 under club today!   We have around 150 members and play lots of daily chess, vote chess. Once we get a lot more member...
Team Turkmenistan
Topar Türkmenistan. Bu klub, saýtdaky ähli Türkmen we Türkmenistanly Küştçileri birleşdirmek üçin döredildi. Resmi Ligalarda ýurdumyza wekilçilik e...
GM Julio Granda
Bienvenidos al club de ajedrez GM Julio Granda ♟ CLASES ONLINE DE AJEDREZ GRUPALES E INDIVIDUALES♟📲 whatsapp https://wa.me/447725323155 📩 academi...
Team Washington
We are Team Washington, everyone who lives in the State may join. We want to provide a platform for local members to communicate, improve skills an...
Making Legends
Hello Everyone! This club is to help players rated 100-1200 improve there chess skills and help them adapt to a more competitive and higher rating/...
The Snakes of Chess -TSoC-
Hi! We are a devoted, small, active, hardworking club that NEEDS YOU! Without members, this club would not work. We had a draw versus Chess School,...