Membro Diamond




1. Join my club https://www.chess.com/club/union-of-chess-masters

2. Check the announcements

3. Have fun!

                                   I recently just updated this! (COMPLETELY)

                                                           Join my club here!  😄    

                                                   My friend link(s)

                                        https://friend.chess.com/145Fu 🙂

                          https://friend.chess.com/Wns49 🙂



                                           My BuddyMeter 🤣

                                            If you want to know more just scroll down.


My club's banner. We have 2000+ members right now trying to get 2500. Please join us! It will help us                               a lot as every member is very valueable to us. 😄😁😆

https://www.chess.com/c/2ZFY94ohQ my best games collection, they probably aren't the actual best by accuracy and moves but it's my highest rated wins

Also I figured out I beat Magnus, Hikaru, Danya, and many other GM's because

                       Magnus loses to Daniel
                  Daniel loses to NikaVolkov
                  Nikavolkov loses to Pranav
                   Pranav loses to ME

                   And Magnus has beaten many GM's and top players so I have beaten all of them 😎😎😎  *ME, DOING THE HAPPY DANCE                                            (Just kidding lol)

https://www.chess.com/game/live/100917212683 highest rated person I've ever played

My Highest Rated Wins. (and titled players)








https://www.chess.com/game/live/100065181485 DREW A 2800 NM

https://www.chess.com/game/live/103260741123?username=rcmz Beat an NM 

https://www.chess.com/game/live/103437097439?username=laracroft_07 beat a WFM

https://www.chess.com/game/live/102216824519 Beat a FM

https://www.chess.com/game/live/99278716485 defeated a Chess.om Staff

https://www.chess.com/game/live/89484004039 beat a 2400 NM

https://www.chess.com/game/live/89309348513 beat a CM in rated

https://www.chess.com/game/live/101355107317 My first IM ever beaten!!!

https://www.chess.com/game/live/98511881193 beat an NM

https://www.chess.com/game/live/89684379083 beat a FM

https://www.chess.com/game/live/89484004039 beat a NM

https://www.chess.com/game/live/87511251501 Beat a NM

https://www.chess.com/game/live/87511830615 beat an NM

https://www.chess.com/game/live/103516243783?username=unionofchessmasters Beat an FM

https://www.chess.com/game/live/103515696827?username=unionofchessmasters Beat an FM

https://www.chess.com/game/live/103515676803?username=unionofchessmasters Beat an FM

https://www.chess.com/game/live/103609851857?username=unionofchessmasters Beat an NM

Special thanks to @justelliott61970 for gifting me a gold membership happy.png 

                                            Chess Goals of 2024: 

                                                   2000 Rapid

     (This will take a long time since Rapid is a pretty long time control lol)

                                                   2000 Blitz

                   (Blitz is a really fun time control! I like it very much)

                                                   2200 Bullet

(It's probably the time control I am best at! I love flagging)

                                                   1600 Daily

              (Oh no...Daily games take weeks maybe even months)

                                                 Legend League

      (Champion was hard enough...and this time only the top player qualifies)

I also switch inbetween my watermelon profile and this one every week                    https://www.chess.com/club/cocomelons-of-chess I get called "Cocomelon so I made aclub after it hehehe..


"For 25 years, I've been fattening the human population and making the average human weight increase by 1%, by 2050, I plan to make it to make all humans so fat, so that I can rule the planet Earth and no one will stop me.." ~@JTZ01 (mcdonalds)

                                                         About me:

Hi! I'm William, I like Chess♙, Math 📝📊📏, Sports 🎾⛸️🏀. I like to eat lots of things and you can chat me whenever you want! Though my messages are friends only so you can just click the autofriend link above! 

I like many things, cats (lazy ones the most) Chess, Movies, Math, Sports, and late nights. I also enjoy sunny days over cloudy and rainy days, just because. 🤣

If you want to play me you can DM me or ask me in any club that I am active in. I might be able to join clubs though the problem is I'm almost in the max number of clubs 😅

I don't support any country in the wars, I don't really want to get into any of that kind of stuff.

Good/Best friends:

@JTZ01 A cool friend we get along sometimes he's good to talk with he's pretty good at Rapid too also my Best friend!!!

@Scemer He's really nice and good to talk with. He also has the Best Cat Award and owns the FIDE Scemming Buissness. 😺😸😼

@GMchessminator What a GM! (or should I say BM) he's nice to talk with sometimes I tease him but there's always consequences 😭😓

@Two_Set_Chess he's pretty nice to talk with and an amazing guy.

@Chessstar He's CM at 12 years old! He's also nice and owns a club too. Sadly he's kind of quitting Chess.

@xxrichdudecoolstrongxx: He's pretty calm I don't know what else to say to him, he waiting me to say "Is a good friend, is my g, super strong, super cool, and he is him. Check him out" but nah that's not happening. *realizes I just said it*

If I didn't list you, I can always do it as long as you tell me!

List of quotes that will always be remembered.

"Roses are red, Violets are blue, just like how you belong in the zoo, but don't worry I'll be there too, just not in a cage but laughing at you."

"I'm sick of following my dreams, I'll just take a break and hook them up later."

“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.”

“If I’m not back in five minutes, just wait longer.”

“As you get older, three things happen. The first is your memory goes, and I can’t remember the other two.”

"I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed." -Michael Jordan."

"If you ever are given the choice between me and another person, choose the 

other person, because you already lost me at the choice."

"To the world you may be just one person. To the person you may be the world."

"Winners never quit, and quitters never win."

"A person who has made up their mind to win will never quit or say "impossible."



Some random noob: Common sense doesn't seem to be common

Me: Yeah because someone I know called GMchessmina*** doesn't have it

The random noob: But watermelon has the least

Me: Says the person who has no common sense 

The random noob: My observation skills are crazy good.

Me: Mine are better

The random noob: You don't know what I can do wink.png Alright, if your that good. Give me an example of how to learn about someone as fast as you can.

Me: 😉You don't know what I can do.--> But I do know that you can't be talking right now cuz you're the person that doesn't know how fast I can learn when I am ChatGPT


I'm currently working on my bio I'm still trying to make it better everyday happy.png 

                  ⚠️  Now I have ONE task for you...just don't school down ⚠️























































                                           I mean I told you not to scroll down.

Well since you did I'll just tell you something, which is sooner or later this bio will be a little out of date maybe things will have changed, so I'll always put the last time I majorly updated this bio. (I have done many small updates but nothing big)

                                              3/2/2024 3:35 and 50 seconds PST Time

                                             (Why is it so exact 😭😭😭)


Now go do something else and touch grass.