Anggota Gold

When I was 8 years old in 1969 I learned to play chess and right away I fell in love and now 50 years later I am still in love! I started to play in a chess club at the age of 17 but stopped after about 7 years when I got a job, met my wife and got children. I had been playing postal chess until the end of the 80s, I always liked postal chess better because I always got into time trouble in the search for the best move in normal chess. I got a new job in 1990 and one of my new colleauges asked me to join his chess club, well I did and played on and of for many years. I had my peak in 2001 but then smoking during the games was prohibited and in only 3 tournaments I lost almost 250 rating points! I do not know if it was because of the smoking but if I suffered under time trouble before the ban I really did after, unfortunatly many players stopped after that, I stopped playing tournaments but kept on playing in my club on and of where I still could smoke. In 2007 I had a depression and stopped playing club chess, I had started to play chess in a small danish internet club called in 2005 and I still play in this very cosy club which was started from scratch by Brian Lundgaard, it was a fantastic time of my chess life, in the early years we few members followed Brians work to make new and better versions of his dream. I started to play chess in my old club again in 2019, it was really nice to meet the guys and feel the pieces again. I joined in april 2019 because I wanted to meet and play some new opponents, I have been played in more than 14 years and over 6000 games in the so I know and have played against most of the members several times in this rather small club, You are welcome to join we also have foreign members and the membership is free but you can donate if you want but it is no demand. I have some difficulties regarding social life which means I do not come out so much that is why I love to be in my home alone with my cat and internet chess. When I play live chess I do not feel so good and I have problems to concentrate my thougths about the game so that is why I am a stronger chess player when I am comfortable in my home and I also think chess games are much more beautiful when they are played with time to think and find the good moves. I prefer 14 days games because of the reasons above and sometimes I am having some bad days and do not even turn on the computer. Despite all my challenges chess has always been a big part of my life and I have got many friends due to this wonderful game which still surprises me after 50 years.

I have startet to play OTB again my ELO is 1899 in august 2024