Main Line Chess Club

34 Anggota
22 Jul 2012
0 Event Dimainkan

Come join us! Open to all. Meets every Tuesday night (except major holidays) at 7 PM. USCF rated games (G/65; d/10) start 7:30 for those who sign up by 7:20. Guests welcome. Attend as you wish; appropriate byes given for absentees. Guests welcome. We meet at St. Georges Church located at 1 W Ardmore Avenue in Ardmore PA.  Directions at website Annual dues $25/yr adults, $15 juniors. Annual club championship in the fall with multiple prizes. We have very nice facilities to play! St. Georges Church located at 1 W Ardmore Avenue in Ardmore PA 610-649-0750 (D Heisman) Contact Email: [email protected]