
Hi, my name is ChessYarshe.

Here is everything u need to know

  • won some tournaments.
  • used to be 2100
  • Socializer
  • Like playing chess (usually play chess)
  • play for fun (play for my school, for prizes)
  • i idolize Le quang Liem @LiemLe (#1 chess player in Vietnam)
  • To improve chess, i watch top players games, not computers, thats why my games have accuracies very low. 

My chess is still passive and i hope to improve my attacking, if ur watching this and ur a great attacker give me tips to improve strategical and attacking skills!

My plan to improve is to play myself over an over like AlphaZero, i usually need Stockfish to even improve my chess on the next level.

Club sponsors?

My last bio had this, but now i wont.

bio is still under construction.

Global Chess Citizens House
Global Chess Citizens House 125 թիմակիցներ
Hikaru Nakamura Fan Club
Hikaru Nakamura Fan Club 64 496 թիմակիցներ
4 Player Chess
4 Player Chess 49 208 թիմակիցներ
ForTheWorld 536 թիմակիցներ