
Before you read this about me, click these links: this one, this one, this one, this one, and this one.
















































Okay, here's a list of things about me:

  • Gender: Man/Male
  • Favorite food: Hamburgers
  • Favorite color: Green (My residence is chock-full of it)
  • Favorite animal: Eagle
  • First name: Talon (From a character named Milo Talon from the Louis L'Amour series)
  • Middle name: Curtis (After my dad's uncle Curtis Buck)
  • Last name: Martinson (Originally Goynanham but my 4great-grandfather Benjamin changed it)
  • Country ancestry: French, German, Scottish, Norwegian, and Irish (Currently living in the USA)
  • Race: White
  • Eye color: Pale blue
  • Birthday: 11/02 (November 2nd)
  • Siblings: 8 (1 sister, 7 brothers)
  • Mother's maiden name: Reich
  • Favorite thing to do: Mario 64, but Mario Maker is also superlative
  • Religion: Christian
  • Top adjectives: Smart, weird, bored, ambitious
  • Favorite emotion: The feeling of just having told a hilarious joke
  • Bio last updated: 8/17/2024 10:03 PM PST

99.9% of you won't post this. When Jesus died on the cross, he was thinking of you. If you are part of the 0.1% who cares, copy + paste this onto your profile.

Okay, well, that's my about me. Now scram and do something with your life besides read this. More content on this coming soon!

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